Chapter 98

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Jordan's P.O.V

-------------------------------------------Next day--
We got to the house.
Wait here, He said while getting out of the car.

He walked in, 5 minuets later he came out carrying two huge suitcases.

Amy came out with her backpack, she closed the door behind them.
He opened the back seat doors and tried shoving them in there.

One fit but the other had to go into the trunk.

" Damn Amy your only staying for a month, not your whole life "
She ignored me and scooted into the backseat.

Half her body was up against mine and her bag.
I'm squished, she complained.

You said you wanted to come, Cameron said.

While we were pulling out of her driveway, I started feeling something wet under me.

I looked down and notice a little spill of period blood on the seat.
" Damn it! " I mumbled.

What's wrong? Cameron asked.
I quickly grabbed my jacket and tied it around me.
" Can we stop at the grocery store real quick? "

Why? He turned to look at me.
I gave him that ' it's an emergency look '

Oh oh oh yeah uhh yeah yeah okay let's go, he quickly said while widening his eyes.
His reaction doeee😂😂😂

He quickly pulled up next to the sidewalk and I got out. I speed walked inside and into the isle.

I grabbed a bag of pads
Cause tampons are un-comfterble to me.. Don't judge
While I was heading to the check out lane I reached for the money in my pocket.

..... There was no money in my pocket.

I grabbed my phone and called Cameron.
He answered.

Cam: Hello?
Me: Oh my god Cameron I forgot to grab money!!!!
Cam: okay stay there I will be there in a sec.

I hung up.
I saw him sprinting torwards me from the window.

He got to me and handed me the money.
I'm gonna go grab you new shorts and underwear from your bag, okay?
Well that's gonna be awkward..

" Uhh sure "
He ran back to the car while I went to the lane. I payed for them and went to the bathroom.

A few seconds later someone was knocking on the door.
" Someones in here " I said.
Jordan its Cameron !
I opened the door and he handed me my clothes.

He was using his other hand to cover his eyes.
I'm not looking, he said.
" I know " I chuckled.

I closed the door and fixed myself up.
----- 7 minuets later -----

I opened the door, while holding my disgusting clothes.

I walked to the check out lane again.
There was a mid aged lady with black curly hair and deep red lipstick.

" Excuse me ma'm? May I have a bag " I asked politely.
Of course she said while handing me one.
" Thank you " I smiled.

I stuffed them in the bag.
I walked out, the car was still parked.
I got in, but there was a blanket on top of my seat.

I fixed it for you, he said.
" Thank you "
I sat down and closed the door behind me,

Soooo what about the flight? Amy questioned rudely.

I'm shocked she didn't laugh at what just happened.
Yeah, let's go. He said while pulling into the main road again.

Cameron's P.O.V
I pulled into the main road.

I looked over at Jordan, her head was up against the window. She looked depressed or stressed out.
These past 2 days haven't been the best for her..
" Jordan ? "
Cameron, please don't do this right now. She quietly said.
" Okay " I sighed

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