Chapter 109

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Jordan's P.O.V

-------------------- 3 days later

" OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" I screamed while holding the envelope.

DID IT COME! Hayes yelled while running into the kitchen.
" NO HAYES THATS WHY IM HOLDING IT " I said sarcastically.

OPEN IT! He demanded.

FLASH BACK! ( to understand what's happening )
:What college with you be going to?
" I was thinking of applying to James Madison."

And where is that? She asked.
" It's part of Virginia "
That's meh place! Matt blurted loudly.

Cameron quickly turned around,
" Yes.. "
Why Virginia?? What's so good about Virginia?
I walked back to my room, why does he not want me to go to James Madison? It's a good school and I've been planning to go to it for years.

I sat on my bed and grabbed my laptop, I started searching more information about it.

As I was searching information I noticed reviews about it, Nothing less then 4 stars.. Jeeze.
Someone knocked on my door.
" Who is it? "
It's Cameron, he said while slowly opening up and walking in.

" Oh hey " I said while closing my laptop.
Can we talk? He asked.
" Uh sure, what's Up? "
He laid on my bed and got comfy.
As usual.

About that James Madison school, if you really like it I want you to apply, he said while sighing.
" Are you sure????? "
I'm positive, I just want you to be happy. He managed to smile.

" But Cameron, I want to be happy with you here "
He started holding my hands.
You will be fine, you followed me on my dream journey now it's time for me to do the same for you.

" I don't know, I need time to think about this .."
He pulled a folded up piece of paper out of his back pocket and handed it to me.

I unfolded it, it said in big bold letters,
James Madison university application..
My eyes widened.

" How did you-"
I printed it off line, he interrupted.
" Cameron " I said while covering my mouth in shock.

He gave me a long kiss, he let go and smiled.
I have to go to bed, goodnight babe. He said.

I got that warm fuzzy feeling when he called me that.

He got back up and walked out of the room while closing the door behind himself.

A few days after that I filled it out and sent it in, it said its gonna take a while to return to me though.

I broke open the envelope and pulled out the paper, I was about to unfold it till Hayes' phone started ringing.

His eyes widened and he started talking really fast, my heart was pounding by the thought of me getting accepted or declined to this school.

CAMERON IS COMING! Hayes screamed at the top of his lungs.
I dropped the envelope in shock.

" WHAT?!WHEN!?HOW!? " I quickly asked.
Girl breath, he chuckled while catching breath.


Okay!okay! He said he's coming now, he's just a few hours away! He said while raising his arms up.

" WHAT DO I DO!!?????? " I yelled.

Just tell him how you feel.

( A/N tbh I'm such an ass for not updating for so long, and I'm such an ass for breaking this news... Few more chapters till this book is over... BUT WAIT! THERES MORE! I'm updating a 2nd book following this one and I'm already working on it. Once I get this one situated I will updated " Step siblings? " and " the littlest Caniff " but for right now be patient with those, and get people to read them cause they're gonna be good as hell maybe even better then this book < Spoiler alert🙊 But this is all like happening SOON! So your not gonna be waiting like months or anything like that lmao so thank you for still reading and being patient and I'm sorry for the wait, Have a good thanksgiving my Lovelies❤️💞 )

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