chapter one two months before the eruption

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Mom told me to watch the news " why" I asked her she simply told me it was important. So I listened you see mom doesn't talk to me often especially  since she crossed to the other side two years ago  . 

 Yes my mother is dead  don't ask me how but when she died  I knew the exact second she died I felt her  pain and I knew how she died .  Others call me crazy but mom just said I was special and she told me that until  the day she was murdered  .   

When the police told my dad she was dead he blamed me for it who wouldn't  he said to the cop " I bet  it was because of Kira they always said Kira would be the reason why  Cassandra  would die young ."  The cops ignored him what else could they do they knew about me and what I could do .  So when I did here from mom I  listened. 

 When I  turned on the news the president filled the screen making a speech " I  assure you despite the fact that the earthquakes in yellow stone are becoming more and more frequent  yellow stone will not go Super Volcano"  at that I turned of the tv and headed to the woods the one place I  am actually welcome.  Seeing as the animals don't mind me being able to talk to them .

  But outside the woods I'm considered a monster  I remember when i was younger my mom told me that it is rare that someone can communicate with nature she said that  no matter what others say be thankful for your gift  . 


 Today I  turned the t.v to watch my show right well it was cancelled because  of the presidents speech about yellow stone I mean duh its not gonna erupt right .

 So now I'm walking outside in the woods when I hear her . Jeez why does she have to be in my path .  Everyone knows shes  strange  but since her mother died shes been worse don't  get me wrong  it's not like I hate her or anythig its just  she is diffrent .

I  mean who just  sits in  the woods alone all day . Then I hear her say "not gonna erupt that is just a bunch of bull who are you  mr. president  to say it won't erupt are you god ? no  that is what I thought " when I heard that I freaked cause if anyone knew what was gonna happen it was her


 I had no problem with the mother but kira she is a abomination a freak of nature. I   am suprised  that she is still here I mean she knows that she is not welcome . 

Everyone figured that after her mom died that she would leave . But it has been 2 years to be honest I  kinda like her .  Despite what people say about her she is a very nice person .  so when I  heard the news about the presidents speech  I  went straight to her to ask her what she thought . 

I figured she wouldn't be at home so I went to the woods to find her .   When I found her she was soaking wet  and muttering something that I could not understand when she saw me she asked " you want something ?"  I told her "yeah what do you think about the presidents speech .?"

  " that it is a bunch of bull cause he wouldn't know he's not god ." I nodded " so have you seen my brother I think he went this way ?"  "yep he passed by ten minutes ago "  I thanked her and left to find my brother

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