chapter four the eruption continues

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i feel awfull just before the eruption i had a fight with my parents and now they are gone .they left this world when the first incredibly violent quake but they are not the only ones gone so is anna . i can't believe i;m alone i might as well just die . so dispite the ash i walk throught the woods for the last time . as i walk i stumble the last thing i see before i black out is a girls face


is he trying to die walking out here like this . well hes not the only one trying to do so i found three others that i left behind in a cave system i found luckily unlike those glass domes it will be safe there


am i seeing things a while ago when i was walking in the ash i passed out and woke up in a cave with three others . all i hear is the eruption and then a soft voice all right sam . kira what is she doing here . then i relize it she brought us here the only surviors then i hear a radio static and her saying " if there is any one out there you are not alone find us and we can survive for united we stand .'' only two others came

it seems like everyone  else in the country is dead but she won;t give up then" do you think you are god that you would abandon us yes world there are survivers and no matter what you send we will survive for united we will stand untill the end ."


i should have known they wouldn't trust me they act as if i am a witch or something sure i know things but that is only because of something that happened the day i was born

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