the darkness aproaches

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i know victor is coming and that soon the remains of the u.s  would be under his reign .  but i also know i am far from ready to stand up to him . he is already trained to use his abilitys i never was . 

an hour later 

i heard a scream and i walked out of my cave to see the others cowering against the wall and animals in the enterance to the caves .  there  was alot of animals  the others were afraid but i knew the meant no harm then a wolf spoke " we mean no harm we are here to guide one of you to train you to use your abilites to stop the darkness " i was confused when it said you guys until the others asked if anyone else heard the animals talk.   then i knew my time to guard the earth was  coming 

those that yelowstone left behindHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin