chapter three the eruption begins

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we should have listened to her i know the other countries did building there stupid glass domes .you might be wondering what i'm saying well for the past two hours yellowstone has been very active an earthquake every five minutes  kira was right it is going to erupt

                                                                           news report  april 24th 2013 9:42 am

despite the fact  that our president assured us yellowstone would not erupt  all  the other countries have told us when yellowstone blows there will be no help our reporter near yellowstone has confirmed that the earthquakes are very frequent a new one every five minutes the U.S.G.S. denies that there will be eruption at all

                                                                     april 24th 2013 10:oo am    journal  kira

there she blows it has started how many of us will be left ? will we be anhilated or will there be survivors  not long after we found out that our fellow countries won;t help us in our time of need who are they to play god saying that they will live while the rest of us die off  .  so far all that has happened is ash fall but that wont last long .

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