chapter two

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When anna came and asked me about yellowstone I told her what I  thought but I figured if i told her everything she would not believe me .  so when  she left i hurried home and called the U.S.G.S  why cause they needed to warn the country


when we got a call saying that it would erupt we laughed how much would a 10 year old really know when she said that she would know i knew who was on the phone this was not the  first time that little freak  had called us but usally she called about the earthquakes before they happened  so stan called his boss " boss its the freak again she says yellowstone will probably blow sometime in the next 2 months ." he just laughed at me why did he not relise kira is always right


i knew it would be stan answering the phone cause he always does and i knew his boss wouldn't listen . but what really makes me mad is that he still refuses to admitt he is my cousin .  i  should  have known he still wouldn't cause his mother stopped talking to us after moms death  but i didn't   since they did not listen i guess i'll have to warn the town


an hour ago the town said there will be a meeting so i wasn't surprised to see it was kira talking she should have known no one would listen

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