the legend of the guardians

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(my mother always told me the story of the guardians)

for years they had protected us the weak the innocent the poor . it had been said only after they are dead can  a dark power rise up and enslave our country but not untill  a large disaster destroyed most of the country .  the five guardians  where diffrent from most  people the possed  the power to summon elements and other things to guard our safety  .  they followed a simple code a pledge they made :

i pledge for as long as i live to protect the innocent the weak and the poor . pledge to use my abilitys for good and only good . to bring light into the darkness that surrounds us every day .  untill the day i die i will guard them .   

sadly one guardian took the pledge but turned against them so he could rise to power but  the guardians refused to allow it to happen . if victor rose to power all would be lost so the other four guardians sara , cara , kiara and andrew  laid down there lives after promising the world that someday a new gaurdian will be found who can stop victor once in for all that fateful day was the day i was born my mother told me

what she did not tell me till the day before she was killed by victor was that kiara and andrew were my  grand parents . and that i was the last guardian i told her that  i didnt know how to protect them she said that i would recieve help when i needed it . 

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