Chapter 29

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Joselyn's POV
I feel so bad for Saira! Ethan had forgotten everything. Even her and the fact that they were a couple. I feel bad for Grayson, too because you know that's his brother. We all had to be careful what we talked about around him. We're trying hard to help him remember his life. It was no use. He couldn't remember a thing.

Grayson's POV
Life with Amnesia Ethan wasn't easy. He asked a ton of questions about our childhood, why we look alike, how do people tell the difference between us, and all of that. I decided to show him our video of unknown facts our fans didn't know about for starters so we had the basics down. After that vid I showed him the rest of them. We spent all afternoon watching those vids and me explaining them. We watched a vid then I gave five minute explanation so we could keep it going. Sometimes it was 10-20 minute if he asked a lot to too many questions. Then we watched all of our vines in a few vine compilations.

If this is a prank, he's playing it off pretty good.

Ethan's POV
Grayson and I spent the whole afternoon watching vids of us. We watched all of our vids that I don't remember shooting at all. I didn't know which person was me unless I said it myself in the vid or if Grayson said my name. The struggles with being a twin I guess. We watched some more vids but they were called vine compilations. A vine, apparently, was only a six second video but they were funny as well. Ours were pretty hilarious. I'm kind of upset I forgot that.

"We'll resume tomorrow, Ethan," Grayson said.
"Okay. Goodnight Gray," I said.
"Goodnight," Grayson replied.
I shut the door, went to my room, and went to sleep.

Saira's POV
I was lying up on my bed thinking about Ethan and Ethan only. What if he doesn't get his memory back? What if finds another girl to date forgetting that I'm actually his girlfriend? There was so much running through my head. I remembered all our dates and everything. He doesn't remember any of that. The fun we shared together. It made me sad to think I had no one to share them with but him.

Joselyn and Matt walk into my room while I'm contemplating.
"Hey. Are you okay?" Joselyn asks.
"Yea," I reply when I'm really not okay.
"Are you sure? You're eyes are turning really red," Matt pointed it.
That was when I broke down into a million tears. They came to comfort me. Joselyn on my left. Matt on my right.

"He's going to remember you, Saira. He's going to remember all of us. You'll see," Joselyn says quietly.
"What if he doesn't? Him and I will be no more if he doesn't remember," I sob.
"You'll just have to make new memories with him. You'll remind him that you guys are a couple and then when he realizes that, you can help him remember and make some memories in the process. Everything will be fine," Matt says.
"I hope," I reply.

Matt's POV
I've been staying in this house only a week and Ethan has amnesia, Saira's having a meltdown, I don't know what the heck is up with Grayson and Joselyn, but all I know is that this house has gotten out of control in a matter of days. I decide to go to my room and FaceTime Crystal since she was probably worried sick about me because that's just her.
The phone rings once and she's on the phone.
"Hey Matt!" she says.
"Hey Crystal," I reply.
"I was so scared. When you left that note, I was in tears. I miss you," she says.
"I miss you, too," I say happy to hear her voice.
"Will you come back to Cali soon?"

"Maybe. I just don't want to get in the way of you and Myles relationship. What if he found out and hurt you again?"
"He wouldn't. He felt guilty the last time he did that. He made up for it as you know. Things here in Cali have gotten out of control since you've been gone," Crystal says as-a-matter-of-factly.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Well, Leigh and I had this big fight that went on for a few days. You were there when that happened. We made up. Then I find out this mystery person was harassing Tori and it turns out it was a guy we went to school with. He kidnapped Tori's boyfriend and Leigh at our old school and we had to look for them in the dark hallways. The police showed up and everything. It was insane. The insanity level has died down now but the insanity isn't over yet for sure," Crystal explained.
"Wow," I say.
"Yea. I'm just glad you're safe," she says.
"Yea. What time is it in Cali?" I ask.
It was 9:00 pm here.

"It's 6:00 here. Why?" I ask.
"Just wanted to make sure I'm not calling you and you're asleep because of the different time zones," I said.
"I'm up half the night so you're not bugging me," she said laughing.
I laugh back.
"Well I gotta go to work tomorrow. This girl took the whole week off. I was not feeling it," she said.
"How did you get away with that?" I asked.
"Called in 'sick'," she replied with air quotes.

"Oh wow. Well I let you get some rest then. I'll call you later."
"Okay. Bye!" she says and hung up.

Is it True? D.D. E.D. G.D. M.E. M.P. K.W. (Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora