Chapter 42

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Leigh's POV
Saturday came and Crystal was up bright eyed and bushy tailed.
"Oh my gosh! This is SO EXCITING!" she exclaims.
"You ready for this?" I ask her.
"I was born ready," she says.
The girls said their goodbyes and I take Crystal to the airport. We run into traffic just as we get there. I decided to run her through some rules.
"Okay, Crystal, here are the rules: No kissing, no hugging, no looking, no touching, and no talking!" I say sternly.
"What?!" she exclaims.
We let the silence hang there.
"You know I'm not gonna follow any of these rules, right?" Crystal said.
"I know," I reply laughing.
She starts laughing with me.

We make it to the airport and she gets out the car and gets her luggage.
"I'll see you in a few days," Crystal says through the rolled down window.
"Have fun!" I call out as she dashes towards Kalin and Myles. They walk in the airport and I drive off.

Crystal's POV
We were waiting in line to go through security and I sit on my luggage.
"This may take a while," I say looking at the long line of people in front of us.
"It's not THAT bad," Myles comments.
"It could be worse," Kalin said.
"I guess," I reply.
About 25 minutes later, we're in the front of the line. I've gone security so many times going on family trips. I knew what to do. I took off my glasses because I got in trouble for going through security with them on because they had metal on them. I walk through the metal detector in the clear.
"Why did you take off your glasses?" Kalin asks me.
"I got in trouble for having them on going through the metal detector once," I replied.
"Dang," Kalin says.

After going through security, we go wait for our flight. I sat there humming to "Thousand Miles" by Tove Lo. Our flight was called and we got on the plane. I danced through the tunnel and accidentally ran into Myles.
"Sorry!" I exclaimed.
"It's okay," he said and grabs my hand. I smile as we make our way into the plane.

Kalin's POV
We landed in Illinois at 4:00 pm their time. A person was holding a sign that said "Kalin and Myles" on it. We walk up to him.
"Are you Kalin and Myles?" he asked us.
"Yes," I replied.
"Follow me," he said.
We followed him straight to a limo.
"We get to ride in style," Crystal said coolly.
We climb in and we ride down the streets of Springfield. We go straight to the auditorium where our show is.
"This place is amazing!" Crystal exclaims. She runs up and down the aisles.
"She's always so hyper. You barely see her frown," I whisper to Myles.
"I know right," he said staring at her.
She runs up and jumps onto the stage.
"Are you a ninja?" Myles asks.
"No. I may look athletic and in shape, but I'm just a normal girl who eats Chipotle," Crystal replies. We laugh. We do mic checks. After mic checks, I went backstage and heard singing.

"'...I wanna dance in the dark and never stop. We're gonna light up the night, like shooting stars. Whenever you hear the sound, don't be alarmed. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Dancing in the dark...'"

I was so shocked to hear that it was Crystal singing. Myles was right. She has some hardcore talent. Myles walks backstage and I run up to him.
"You were right," I said.
"Right about what?"
"About Crystal's singing," I replied.
"Well of course I was," he says confidently.
We keep walking and hear her.

"'...she should be thanking me and sending me some flowers. I taught him everything now he can last for hours. She'll never know, that I made him better for her...'"
We walk into the dressing room and she's laying across the couch. She looked tired.
"Did you run all the energy out of you?" Myles asked jokingly.
"Or sing?" I asked.
"You heard me?" she asked turning her head to face us. 
"Yeah," Myles and I said in unison.
She looks up at the ceiling.
"It's not easy having this much energy."
"I honestly thought it was," I said.
"You thought wrong," Crystal replied. "There's so much to burn and then when you burn it all up, you just go to sleep. So goodnight. Wake me up when the show's about to start."
Crystal was out in a snap.
"That's the fastest I've seen her fall asleep," I said.
"Yeah," Myles said. "She looks so peaceful."

Two hours later...
Myles' POV
"Crystal wake up!" I yell as I wake her up.
She finally wakes up after calling her name 15 times.
"What year is it?" she asked groggily.
"The same year you fell asleep in. Come on the show's about to start," I pull her up and drag her out the dressing room towards the stage. I run out onstage and we start out with "Dedication." The crowd goes nuts. Crystal watches offstage smiling. I smile back at her. I grab her and pull her on stage and sing "No Ordinary Girl" to her. She blushes and I kiss her. The crowd goes insane. The show ends and we go backstage.

"The adrenaline," Crystal said.
"I know right," I say out of breath. We head towards the dressing room and dozens of fans surround us asking all these questions at once.
"How long have you guys been dating?"
"What's your ship name?"
"Can I have you if you guys break up?"
We push past them taking pictures and answering questions as we go.
"I don't know if I wanna be well known," Crystal says once we're inside the dressing room. "Too many questions and too many autographs."
"You can never take too many pictures, though," Kalin said.
"Pictures are everything. They help you remember," Crystal replied.
"Let's get outta here before we get our clothes ripped off. Fans do the craziest things," I say.
"Right," Kalin replied and we left unnoticed.

Edited 5/13/16-minor errors and changes

Is it True? D.D. E.D. G.D. M.E. M.P. K.W. (Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ