Chapter 44

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Crystal's POV
Kalin and Myles went to go hang with some friends so I just hung back and stayed in the hotel room. I was sitting on the couch singing to "Next" by The Weeknd when Kalin came in rushing up to me.
"Crystal, we've got a problem," he said.
"What happened?" I asked.
Myles came into the room and he leaned against the wall with something in his hand.
"Hey, Kalin, I thought you were talking about jewelry but this is ten times better," Myles slurred.

I stood there in shock.
"He's drunk?!" I managed to get out.
Kalin nodded his head.
"Damn girl you is FINE! Can I have you or is this your man right her?" he said pointing to Kalin and me.

"Does he have amnesia?" I ask.
"No. Just dazed, drunk, and confused," Kalin replied walking over to him. "Myles you gotta go to sleep."
"No I don't. I gotta party!" Myles slurred and fell forward.

Kalin caught him.
"Get off me!" Myles said and swung whatever he had in his hand at Kalin. Kalin dodged it and let go of Myles as Myles falls face first onto the carpet. "Come Get Her" by Rae Sremmurd started playing from my phone. Myles rolled over on his back and started shouting the song.
"Myles be quiet," I said and went over to cover his mouth. "Kalin turn off the music."

Kalin turned off the song and Myles was quiet. As he's doing that I cradle Myles head in my lap. He gets up and pushes me to the floor. He sits on top of me and pins me to the floor. I couldn't move at all. I could smell the alcohol on him. The stench was horrific.

He grabs my shirt and tries to rip it off. Kalin pulls him of me and I get up and make my way towards the door ready to run out.
"GET OFF ME!" Myles yells and punches Kalin dead in his face. Kalin winces in pain and as I'm opening the door to run, Myles grabs me.
"Let me go! You're drunk!" I exclaim.
"No I'm not," Myles said. I'm perfectly fine!"

"LET ME GO!" I scream and Myles covers my mouth. I squiggle and squirm trying to break free. This was not how I imagined my time in Springfield.

Kalin's POV
I tried to tell Myles "Don't do it." and of course he doesn't listen to me. He gets drunk and I was lucky to have Crystal there, but then again no. Crystal was in just as much trouble as I was.

Myles had his arms and legs wrapped around Crystal. She couldn't escape.
"Myles let her go!" I yell.
"She's mine!" he yelled back.
I grab Myles and pull him off of her.
"Crystal run!" I shout and she's out the room.
Myles gets out of my grip and chases after her. I chase after him. Crystal was already at the elevator when I caught up with them. Crystal makes a break for the stairs and jumps down them as fast as she can. Myles only a few feet behind her. We run about two blocks from the hotel before I tackle Myles to the ground. Crystal keeps running. Then she disappears into the darkness.
"NOO!" Myles screams. He pushes me off him.
"What the hell, Kalin?" he starts yelling at me.
"Myles, calm down," I say quietly.
"NO YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN!" he shouts back.

He yells until he finally passes out on the grass.
"Thank God that's over," I say to myself. I dragged Myles back to the hotel. When I get there, Crystal sits in the doorway in a fetal position with bloodshot eyes. She gasps when she sees Myles draped around my shoulders.
"Don't worry. He's out cold," I assure her.
She breathes a sigh of relief.
"Why aren't you inside?" I asked.
"We didn't bring a key," she nearly whispers.
"What're you talk-" I began to say then I realized that we didn't bring a key. "Oh crap!"
"Yeah," she said.
"So are we just gonna sit here?"
"You got any other bright ideas?" she scolded.
"No," I said.

I set Myles next to her with his head on her shoulder. Crystal leans her head on his and falls asleep. Then, I found myself drifting to sleep. I was trying hard to stay up but sleep got the best of me.

Myles' POV
I woke up on Crystal's shoulder and her head on mine. Kalin's head was leaned against the wall across from us.
"What happened last night?" I asked groggily.
Crystal wakes up and rubs her eyes.
"You were drunk," she said sleepily.
"I was?" I asked confused. Kalin snaps his head and stares at me with intense eyes.
"You were wasted," he said with the straightest face possible.
"Yes!" Crystal exclaimed impatiently.
"Why are we sitting out here?" I asked.
"We forgot the key," Kalin replied.
"Last night was out of control," Crystal said.
"What happened?" I asked.

Kalin explained the hangout we had with our friends and how I got drunk. I came back in a dazed state and forgot who Crystal was. Crystal explained how I was screaming songs that were blasting from her phone. I thought Crystal and Kalin were dating. I punched Kalin and got a hold of Crystal. She manages to escape and ran out the room and out the hotel. I chased her while Kalin chased me. We ran two blocks from the hotel when Kalin tackled me and I yelled at him until I passed out. Literally.
"Wow," I said trying to comprehend everything. "What a wild night!"
"Yeah. Now I just wanna sleep," Crystal commented. "We were up till 1:00 dealing with you."

I started laughing at that point. They gave me death stares and that's when I realized that it wasn't that funny. A cleaning lady comes by and ask us why we aren't in our room. We explain to her how we forgot key. We sprinkled on little lies about what really happened last night. She manages to get us into our room and we grab our belongings so she could clean. We hang out downstairs for about an hour and head back up.

"I just wanna sleep forever. I'm so tired," Crystal said falling face first on one of the just made beds.
"Same," Kalin replied falling beside her.
"What a long night," Crystal muffled.
"You guys are just gonna sleep the day away?" I asked.
"Yes," Kalin and Crystal said in unison.
They were both asleep on the bed and I fell asleep on the couch within an hour. I guess I had to be rested for the trip back home tomorrow. What a crazy weekend!

Edited 6/13/16-minor errors and changes

Is it True? D.D. E.D. G.D. M.E. M.P. K.W. (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora