Trouble Maker

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I dart out of his room quicker then you can say mouse.
'Stupid chain.'
As I make my way through the house I notice scents here that do not belong to the people of this house. Hissing softly, I crept into on of the rooms. Even if I'm not able to smell them, I'll track them through thermal radiation.
I notice that this person is a kid. He's blond... and he's snoring while talking in his sleep. I create my plan. I slowly creep up to him. His feet are sticking out from the covers... alright.
''Oowww!!!'' The blond shouted out.
''Naruto what is it?'' Came a sleepy voice.
I grinned before camouflaging myself and dashing out of the room.
I heard shouting and a course of ''where did it go? And I swear I saw it!''
Purring with amusement I made my way to the next room. This time it was a man. He looked sick because of his body temperature, but that hair.
If my feathers could stay like that. I don't know I wanna touch his hair. Before I know it my snout is in his hair sniffing, grooming.
Oh no. He's awake!
But then the man starts pointing this shiny object at me. Its sharp, but... really pretty. Like the ocean! The boy would love it. I snatch the pretty shiny object from his hand and dart away to the boy's room. Ignoring all of his protests. I now patiently wait near the door for him to wake up. To show him the shiny pretty thing.

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