Chapter 6

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I awoke to the sound of moving feet, and soaring temperatures. Seems as if they left the Blond behind, and he's mad about that.
I chirp madly as he comes close to stepping on me. I watch as the blond ran out shouting madly.
I just turn my head this way and that, looking for my hatchling. His alpha is gone. Must be busy, doing his responsibilities. I hear a scream. I turn my head sharply at the source my eyes glowing red at the source of the sound. My hatchling and his mother where cornered by three foul smelling humans.
Their rouges. Their unwanted in this territory. They are going to kill my hatchling and his beta-mother. I let my muscles expand. My bones grow bigger, more teeth. I open my mouth and a low growl of warning comes out.
The foul stenched rouges turn to me. They laugh as I have only grown to the size of a larger than average dog. The largest of the rouges takes out a knife I believe, and charges at me with it. Hatchling screams for me to run. I wait till he's a few feet away, then I camouflaugue myself. Those stupid rouges are so mouse-brained!
I grab the large rouge's arm and twist it. Hearing the satisfying snap of bone, I sink my teeth into his leg and throw him. Sending him flying through the window with a crash.
My mouth waters at the taste of fresh blood. I shake my head at the thought. I turn my piercing amber-red eyes at the last two rouges. I let out another low warning growl. They scrambled out fast, grabbing what was left of the big one.
Hatchling seems to know something. He just bolted out the door saying that he is going to help protect the bridge. I glance at his beta mother to see that she's running after him.
I give a small sigh. I raise my snout in the air and begin tracking the blond's scent. I follow it all the way to the bridge while camouflaging myself.
I've come to see the silver haired man charging at a boy. The boy is just a hatchling. My mind races, and before I knew what I was doing I grew to the size of a small hut aware of my size and the unfinished bridge but I shoved that thought away from me and pushed the boy away with my snout.
Soon as I did that, searing pain raced across my body. It brings back memories of when the school fried my brain for being unpredictable and having my own thoughts and ideas.
I felt warm blood trickle down my side. I felt a rib or two broken as I tried to gain my footing. I hear shouts and arguing. But all I care about is if the young hatchling is safe. I turn my head towards him. He is shocked by my size and why I saved him.
Hatchlings are the heart of every clan. They need to be kept safe. So they will be strong and healthy warriors.
I felt a soft hand on my leg, I turned to see it was the hatchling I saved earlier. He's older than I expected, and I would of thought of him a female, if not for his scent. He stood as tall as he could manage so I leaned down to make it easier on the older hatchling since he was already injured.

''Thank you.'' The older hatchling whispered in my ear.

'Why did he thank me. I only did what my maternal instincts told me to do.'
I lifted my head and smelled the air. I growled loudly. I smelled ''sake''. Sake, human drugs, and blood.
Standing in the front was a bite sized little foul smelling dwarf. Who I would not hesitate to eat, but he would upset my stomach.
I listened to the conversations between the two groups. I became irritated when the older hatchling's guardian wanted to charge into the fight head first, with his arms useless, and only a knife to use as a weapon.
Before he even gets the chance to charge into the group of foul smelling rouges. I swipe my tail at him, faster than he can dodge it. Knocking him away. He gives me a sharp glare before trying to stand back up and charge at the rouges.
I swipe my tail at him again. More gently this time. Growling softly. As I've seen wolves scolding their pups. Telling now is not their time to strike.
He gives me another glare before stepping back. I grunted softly now at this action.
I now turn my head in the direction of the of the bite sized dwarf, and his foul smelling rouges. I raise my massive head and let out a roar that I've been holding in. Birds flew out of the trees, fish jumped out of the water.
Bite sized dwarf starts yelling at his men to kill me. They hesitate for a moment before charging at me. I roar again, ignoring the rouges except for a few which I grabbed one and threw him. I stepped on another rouge. I grabbed another rouge and tore him in half.
My eyes set on the dwarf rouge. Easy prey, I ignore the rouges weapons. They feel like thorns against my hide.
I tower above the dwarf rouge, drooling. He's shouting at the other rouges to help him.
I open my jaws. Dislocating them as well as I bite down on him. I grab him and rip him in half. Spitting out what was in my mouth, throwing what was in my claws into the ocean.
I fix my jaws and shrink down back to the size of a house cat. I run back to the group. Letting out high pitched squeaks to gather their attention and speeding away from the rest of the foul smelling rouges. I ran behind the blond who just now made multiple clones of himself. Ready to drive the rest of the rouges away.
I was ready to help the blond until an arrow hit the ground. I blinked before looking in the direction the arrow came from.
I squeaked in happiness. My hatchling has gathered everyone in his pack to drive out the rouges.
I turn my head towards them. They run away as the pack scares them away.

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