Chapter 5

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I'm overjoyed right now. I made it. I soon found myself squeaking as I ran back to the boy's house. I jump into his arms grunting and purring.
'He's my partner, I'll protect him with my life.'
He's the first who hasn't screamed at the sight of me.
I purr even louder when he strokes my head. I love this attention. Yet I smell this mouth watering scent, the boy carries me to an area that smells entirely of food. There the scent grows stronger and my belly rumbles in anticipation of... food... delicious food. I leap out of the boy's arms and knock the plate out of his mother's arms on the floor I begin to feast on the sweet, and delicious food. So tasty. I'm in love.
I can her them yelling at me, but the yelling soon turn to chuckling. Then full on laughter. '
What did I do?'
But then I realize this really sweet yet messy frosting covering my jaws. It tastes like peanuts and sugar... yum. But the messy frosting covering my claws it tastes like mint. My poor feathers were covered in this jam that tasted like apple and cinnamon. So messy... but my poor feathers. I set to work grooming my feathers, face, and claws. I hear shouts, are they mad at me? Before I even look up, the smell of vomit hits my nose.
The blond and Duck ate too much. 'They just wasted all that food! Wait, I take that back compys will eat anything. But still, the boy's mother, his Beta made all that food for you and you just go and throw to the compys! How stupid can you be to waste that much needed food and have the audacity to ask the Beta for more?!
I snarled at them for being so stupid. Back at the facility you ate what they gave you or your terminated immediately. They won't have their experiments refuse to eat. They'll create a new one. I've seen them, some are part machine or fully machine to be sure there is no disobedience among us and a few of the scientist.
Are they arguing because the little boy is sad now. The sake smelling Alpha said to 'leave him be.' He told us about his dad? The previous alpha I'm sure.
I raced out of the eating area. I find him in his room staring at the ocean just as I found him. But the blond was talking to him so I decided to stay and incase the little boy needed help.
The blond actually said some kind words to the little boy. Who I've now decided to call hatchling. He's my hatchling and so small and precious. I have decided as I stretched, yawned, and blinked the sleep out of my limbs, eyes, and mind. That I'll keep his Alpha safe from whatever is after him. I'm not challenging his position as Alpha. But I will fight for a position as member in this pack to be accepted, and I'm sure saving their Alpha would be more then enough to for me to be accepted. I honestly don't care about rank. I just don't want to be alone. The scientist tortured me for this gene that I have. Life on my own would be very lonely and short without a pack. No matter the species. I have a pack... a fam... ily? A fri... end, is my hatchling my fri... end?

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