Chapter 7

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I watched from beta mother's arms as the hatchling says his goodbyes to the ninja that have helped them defend their village from the rouges. The older hatchling and his guardian have already left after receiving treatment from beta. I bury my face in beta's arms, my hatchling cries with tears and snot coming out of him with the blonde hatchling, while trying to ignore the silver haired guardian that was staring at me intently. It was as if I was back at the facility with the scientists studying me and cutting me open.
My eyes snapped open and my head shot up as I saw that he was standing right in front of us. He was talking frequently to alpha, beta and my hatchling while frantically gesturing towards me. My eyes narrowed at him as my hatchling started to cry even more. Silver was trying to convince my pack to allow his to take me with them to their territory. I jumped out of beta's arms and did a running leap into my hatchling's arms. Nuzzling my face against his completely ignoring Sliver as he coaxed alpha into turning me over to them. Apparently me being here put my pack in danger from more powerful rouges. I hung my head sadly letting out a soft squeak at my hatchling. My hatchling set me down on the ground and nudged me towards them, telling me that I would be safer at their village. Feeling miserable, I understood what he was saying, I couldn't protect them if the facility found out that I was here, they would spare no one.
My hatchling gently grabbed my face and told me that I would have to leave but I wouldn't have to leave nameless.
"I've thought for a while on what to name you. I know you might have a name already but you're unable to tell me so I'll give you one to remember us. I remember when you first came here. You trampled through mom's garden and you had a few flower petals stuck in your claws. I've decided to give you the name Hana, you've always manage to make me smile whenever I see you, and you're so full of surprises. I'm so glad to have met you. I know we'll see you again. Be safe Hana." My hatchling told me as he stared into my eyes, more tears fell from his eyes.
I stared back at him and pressed my face against his purring softly. He scratched my chin gently before pushing me away towards Silver. I looked at my pack one last time before ambling towards Silver. We all began to head off in the direction of their territory. I kept glancing back at my pack as we walked away. Keeping my distance from the others by traveling at the back. Stopping occasionally to sniff at the ground or the shrubs surrounding the path before I clawed at the the dirt or the bark of the trees or shrubs. The blonde kept trying to approach me, he quickly backed up after I growled at him. Silver eyes me as I did that, I noticed that he payed close attention to everything around him even if it seemed like he wasn't. I glanced down at the shiny pretty object that I still had clutched in my claws. He never tried to take it back when I stole it, does that mean he's acceptable at being a guardian towards these other hatchlings.
We had been traveling for a while and I was starting to wonder if we would ever arrive to their territory. I snapped out of my thoughts as we approached a large wooden gate. Fear bubbled inside me as memories of the facility started to resurface. I began backing away slowly trying desperately not to be noticed by them but the chain around my ankle alerted them. Silver responded by whistling softly. After acquiring my attention he took out a morsel of something that smelled like beef. Forgetting that I had not eaten anything for a while I approached him, growling at the two humans who were apparently guarding the gate. They took one look at me and screamed pulling out their own shiny pretty objects. I stared at them for a few seconds before turning my attention to the mouth watering morsel that Silver had offered me. Sniffing his hand I gently took the meat and swallowed it with a twist of my head. That seemed to frighten the two human guards as they've begun shouting at Silver and his charges about taking in monsters. I stood my ground not doing anything in fear of being punished despite the nagging feeling in my gut that told me to attack those idiots for insulting me. Silver only rested his hand on my head as he explained to them about my situation. The blonde often interrupting him to tell off the guards for insulting me. They only nodded at his explanation before opening the gate. As we passed they still have me uneasy glances as if I was going to attack them any minute. Hanging my head down, I followed Silver and his charges past the humungus Gates and into the giant village. A wave of new scents flooded my nose. There's food, humans and different animals. The vegetation inside here is so diverse. I stand tall on my hind legs and stare at the strange looking faces that were carved into the poor mountain. My head tilted as a small white dog flew into my flank, the same side were a few ribs were cracked. Screeching I took off and began trying to shake the thing off me as it tried to bite into my hide. Silver and his charges all began desperately trying to calm me down and to get the mutt off of me. Finally the pink haired hatchling pulled the mutt off of me while Silver, blonde and Ducky held me still. Realizing the mutt didn't do any serious damage I shook them off and stood tall trying to salvage some of my damaged pride. I set to work on trying to preen my feathers and quills back into place. Glaring at the mutt that was currently squirming and barking in the pink haired hatchlings arms. The dog's owner finally came to grab it only to stop in his tracks as he saw me. His skin turned white as he screamed, holding the dog close to his chest. Others soon came over and were shell shocked at the sight of me.
Was I that horrifying or were most humans just rude? Silver quickly herded us all towards a massive tower  while shouting a quick apology towards the growing crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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