My Shiny Pretty Object

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When the boy came out of the room he looked concerned. But when he saw me concern turned to happiness. He picked me up mumbling ''moms not gonna be happy if you have that knife, where did you get it?''
I just shrug. Not that I could speak to him. He will find out eventually. But then this really pretty lady came and told the boy his grandpa was back. As soon as she said that he went running towards the main room. As soon as he opened the door I smelled sake.
His grandpa was sitting and he ran towards him hugging him. That's when I realize that I'm still in his arms and still have the shiny pretty object. Then I see the grandpa trying to take away the pretty shiny object from me.
''Its mine! I found it first! Get your own shiny pretty object.''
I jump out of the boys arms and make a dash for the door. Which now happens to be blocked by a kid with duck-butt hair. Is he part duck?
''Hey ducky help a sister out?!'' I chirp madly at him while clutching the shiny pretty object in my claws.
I guess he doesn't like to be called ducky, because he lunged straight for me. I barley got away. I decided that the boy is who's safe enough, so I hide behind him.
But I'm scooped up in the air like a cat. I screech in surprise. Do I look like a cat? I may be the size of one but I am no cat.
I look to the man with gray hair that looked sickly. He isn't sickly any more. He held me in the air with one hand while the other was reaching for my pretty shiny object.
I hiss as a warning to him that I'll bite. But he ignores me and continues to try and pry my shiny pretty object away. Speaking softly while glancing at my teeth.
I snapped at his fingers. To close. He wasn't going for my shiny, pretty object but instead touched my ankle were the chain was bound to it, and as soon as the man touched my ankle nothing but pain that is going through my body.

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