Chapter 20

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Rin's POV

It's been a week since Sesshomaru had left, and I have started to feel strange. It like this happy, good feeling, but I can't help but worry. Something doesn't feel right. Izayoi has been helping me everyday, and telling me things about what to expect when this baby comes, as has Kagome. Today though I took off, before they could start talking my ears off. I laid in my favorite field of flowers under the trees, under the bright blue sky with white beautiful clouds, and along the river. I heard something move behind me and I sat up while placing a barrier around me.

Letting my barrier down Blaze walked over to me and then laid down behind me. I moved so that I was leaning against him, and I laid my head on him. "I've missed you boy." I pet him and he moved his head to check out my belly. I giggled when he did his little kissing thing that he does. "I'm sure he will love you too boy."

I wonder if Sesshomaru sent him to me, thats when I noticed that he had something tied to his neck. It was a letter.

My dearest Rin,

It seems that I may be longer than expected, but know that there is not a moment that I do not think of your beautiful smile, or the way your eyes shine when you laugh. I even find myself missing the 'evil look' you give me when I do something you do not approve of. Say hello to our little one for me, I miss feeling the little one kick, I hope he is behaving.

Blaze will be there with you while I am gone, he has missed you, as I know you have missed him. It just happens that today is the anniversary of when we met. Of that day you came upon me in the woods near your village. THough I cannot be with you at this moment, I am with you in spirit.

I love you Rin, and our pup.

P.S. Blaze comes with a gift, he has left it behind you, but you must find it.

What does Sesshomaru mean, that there is a gift behind me? I sighed and turned to Blaze. "Blaze what could you have possibly brought me?" I used him to help me stand, and once I was up he stood too. He let me lean on him as he followed me as I walked. I don't know what it could be that Sesshomaru sent with Blaze, how would I be able to find it here in the woods? After a while I began to get a bit tired, and a little breathless. I was about to give up, but then I found what my present was. Flowers were scattered about, and rose petals lay on a blanket with a basket and candles. The trees made a canopy like above, blocking most of the sun, which only added more for the candle light. As i reached the blanket there was another letter.

Glad to see that you found you present, but there is one more left. If you can find it, it is forever yours.

What else could there be? What is Sesshomaru doing, and how was Blaze able to pull this off, unless Sesshomaru had Inuyasha and Kagome or even his father and Izayoi set this up, that makes him the greatest demon alive. I searched, and soon something told me to look up. I looked up and froze where I stood.






So what do you guys think? How would you love for someone to do this with you? Who thinks this chapter is over?




Sesshomaru sat in the tree, hidden within the branches. The smile on my face reached from ear to ear as I smiled up at him. "I have come to claim what is mine." I told him as he smiled down at me. He jumped down and the first thing he did was place a kiss to my lips as he held my face gently in his hands. Then he dropped to his knees to place a kiss on my belly and our pup kicked Sesshomaru's hands knowing that his daddy was here. "Someone is happy that you are here."

He looked up at me, "Is he the only one?" He stood and stared down at me. I hadn't realized that I was crying until he wiped away my tears. He held my face in his hands as he wiped the tears away with his thumbs and placed a long gentle kiss to my forehead. Placing his forehead to mine, he muttered the three words that I have missed him saying. "I love you."

I held onto his wrists, "I love you too." Soon he led me back to the picnic and helped me sit down as he then did the same. He handed me dumplings and bread, I love to eat bread. He gave me a cup of tea that I like to drink as well, and he watched me eat, as he sipped his glass of who knows what tea.

"Thank you." I told him.

"No Rin, thank you." I smiled and finished eating, and then we both laid on the blanket staring up at the tree branches intertwined together above us. "How much longer until that little one comes?"

"Izayoi and Kagome are saying maybe a week or two."

"And you are out here alone?" He was not happy about that at all.

"I was fine, besides you showed up."

"And if I hadn't?"

"Then I guess I would have to use my powers to kill anyone else."

I noticed the smirk, but he didn't want me to use my powers right now. I sighed and snuggled closer to him, and let my eyes close.

I found myself in my bed with Sesshomaru holding me. I looked up at him. "Have you been sleeping Rin?"

"Yes, but it is hard without you here, and someone knows it too."

"I am sorry."

"So did you take care of everything back home?"

"I took care of the main problem, though there are still a few that are out there, I just know it."

"But can we go back home?"

"Yes, we shall leave tomorrow if you wish."

"Yes, please?" He chuckled and placed a kiss to the top of my head. I sighed and knew that today would be a good day now that Sesshomaru is back with me.

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