Chapter 29

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A/N - I know that it has been a while since I have updated, but I have been having a bit of writers block for this story. 

Also check out some of my other stories.

This is a short chapter, but here you all go.

Thank you.


Rin's POV

Finally both of us were dressed and ready to leave to room, but Sesshomaru decided not to leave just yet as he pinned me to the door. He kissed passionately as I kissed him back just the same. "I love you." I whispered to him as he slowly pulled away. He did not reply out loud, but rather than a look. He pulled me gently from the door and then opened it, allowing me to go out first. I smiled at him, and then left him to go my separate way for the day. I headed out to find my little man who happened to be with his grandmother.

I found her holding him in the garden, she was smiling down at him. I never thought that I would ever see this side of her, but I suppose becoming a grandparent can change things. I walked up to her and she looked up at me. "Can I have my son back?" I asked her while stretching my arms out for my son. She slowly handed him to me, and I smiled down at him, as he smiled up at me. My baby boy. I need to get to work, so I took my son with me, as I walked towards Sesshomaru's office.

Sesshomaru sat at his desk looking over papers and scrolls, signing, doing everything like he usually does. He looked up and I saw a light in his eyes when he saw the two of us standing there in the doorway. Sesshoamru had a small crib in his office, and I placed Seitarou in it as I walked over to take some of the papers from his desk and read over some of them. I gave him the ones that I approved of, and she would then sign the ones that needed to be signed. After a few hours it was time for Seitarou to eat. I walked over and picked him, then sat down on one of the large chairs in the office. I helped Seitarou find the nipple, and then he began to eat. I caught Sesshomaru looking over at us a few times, and smiled at him as he did so. A few times I couldn't help the slight giggles that escaped me. Once Seitarou was finished with one side, I switched him over to the other. He was so cute and adorable, I love this boy, and I would die for him, again. Finally Seitarou finished up and I lifted him over my shoulder, after I through a rag over it incase that he threw up. I began to gently pat his back to burp him.

Within five minutes I got a few small burps, but he needed a bigger one. "Come on baby boy, give mommy a good burp will you." He just moved on my shoulder and made small cute baby noises with baby yawns. "For mommy please..." A few seconds later he gave me what I wanted. Now it is time to sing him to sleep, for a nap. I rocked him in my arms as I sang a lullaby to him, and then kissed his forehead once he was asleep. I couldn't bring myself to place him back in the crib just yet, so I sat in the chair with him in my arms, for what felt like hours.

Sesshomaru called my name and I looked up at him. "You haven't moved in two hours." Well now I know why it felt like it had been hours.

I stood and placed Seitarou back into his crib before walking over and sitting in Sesshomaru's lap and began to help with the paperwork some more. Soon it was time for Sesshomaru to leave to go train more of his warriors. Leaving me with our son, and do read over more of the paper work that he had yet to complete. So far there were more in the non-approved pile rather than the approved. Every so often I would hear Seitarou make some sort of noise and stop everything that I was doing to check on him. He must be dreaming.

I smiled at the thought of him dreaming, I hope that they are happy ones. After I had gone through the papers and scrolls, it was time for me to go check on how the servants were taking care of our home. Although with me being a witch I don't even have to move to do so. I searched our home, and found everyone doing what it is that they are supposed to be doing, and I could see some in the kitchen preparing dinner. I sighed and looked over at Seitarou, who at the same time began to cry as I looked over at him. I walked over and took him into my arms, I shushed him, and rocked him in my arms until he stopped crying. Good boy. I smiled when he yawned, and at that very moment arms wrapped around us.

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