Chapter 35

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Sorry for the long wait guys, life has me busy, and writers block is evil.  That, and I know, I know, excuses, but I have been working on my other book often.  Again, I am sorry for taking so long to update this story.  Not sure when the next update will be, because of school. 

Please enjoy my beauties.


Men were thrown, burned, or their body seemed to be disintegrating as they looked into her eyes; the sweet girl that rin used to be, was slowly vanishing as she killed the lot of them. Their screams pierced her ears, and like her mate, years before she had come along, she enjoyed the sound of their screams, she enjoyed the pain she was causing them. Something in the back of her mind told her to be careful, to not let herself go, to not give herself to the power, something told her she had to live, but those thoughts faded into the far back corner of her mind. Rin was beginning to vanish, vanish from what she used to be, and becoming what even demons feared. Rin was turning into the very thing that made Sesshomaru and his father kill so many witches in the past. Rin was slowly changing into the very being that could kill her, could kill sesshomaru.

Energy was being pulled from every living thing, she was sucking the life out of everything in her past. The very ground she walked on,seemed to decay and age, grass died and turned black. Her mind was focused only on the power, only on killing the man that caused her so much pain. Sesshomaru had killed the last of the bandits, and was walking over to his mate, when he found himself unable to move. The great Sesshomaru, was being held back by a force created from the one he pledged to protect. She was protecting him, protecting him from herself. What was left of her, she placed a barrier between them. If he broke through the barrier, she would kill him, whether she wanted to or not. The power was overpowering her mind. It was as if being taken for a ride in your own body. Doing things that you couldn't control, it was like being possessed, but part of her enjoyed it, she was the one doing these things, and she knew it. She fought the power, she fought harder as she heard the barrier shatter as she looked to see her demon walking towards her. She fought against the very thing she feared: losing herself.

Her mind went blank again when the one thing she was after came out of hiding. Seeing all of the men dead around him, he actually applaud her. "You have done well my child." Child? Was this man serious, did he really just call her a child? To top it off he applaud her, for killing them all. This man was truly evil, he cares nothing of his men. They seemed to have been only mere puppets in his game. His eyes flickered over to the great dog demon, "It seems that you have made quite a friend there little one. I hear that you also had a child of your own, would that be his too?" A growl erupted from Sesshomaru as the demon spoke of his son, and Rin released a surge of power. "My you have grown strong. Your mother tried to fight me off too, though she was weak. I wonder if you would be able to withstand me, or will you fall as she did?" He pondered over his thoughts for a moment as he looked around at the bodies, and the decay left behind. "Perhaps not, perhaps because of your...Demon over there you are stronger." He sighed as if upset about the possibility of her winning, "It seems I might have met my match, what do you think my dear?"

"I will have your head on stick!" Her voice was not her own, it sounded other worldly, and rather...demonic. Her voice alone had Sesshomaru on edge, he wasn't sure if she was still herself, or if she had given into the power.

"My, my you are a violent one indeed. You used to be such a sweet, gentle child. I used to watch you, you know. I watched your mother too, and her mother, and her mother before her..." He paused before he continued. "I believe you get the point. You see my dear, one of your ancestors made a deal with me, that if I helped become stronger I get the first female born in every generation, or the rather, I get the strongest female of every generation from your family line. Though I waited until they produced children of their own of course, before I took them. I can't wait until you have a daughter of your own for the taking. Or perhaps I may change it up a bit, and take your son. I haven't had a first born son in ages."

That was it, his smirk began to falter as Rin fought to bring down the barrier he had surrounding him. Growls escaped from Sesshomaru, as he used his demonic energy to try and crack the barrier along with his mate. The demon only laughed at their efforts...That is until Rin hit the barrier with her hand repeatedly as she roared out her pain, suffering, and the need to protect any children she and Sesshomaru may have in the future and more importantly, to protect the son that they already had. She will protect her family. The sky darkened, and it seemed as if it were late in the night as lightning struck around them, and thunder filled their ears. Rain poured down from the sky, causing rins hair to stick to her face as her rage only grew. Sesshomaru could feel the shift in his mate, she was giving into the power, she was surrendering herself to it.

As the barrier began to crack, the demon seemed to be frightened, even if just for a moment. Sesshomaru glanced at his mate, only to see something more like a black mass taking over her form. No! He thought, as the barrier shattered. Before Rin could reach the demon, Sesshomaru had his throat in a death grip. The demon chuckled as he began to fight Sesshomaru, almost tearing Sesshomaru's arm off in the process. Staggering back a step or two towards his mate behind him, as he glared daggers at the demon before them. "I suppose I could tell you my name before I killed you Sesshomaru, but that would first require me to have one. I am nameless you see, because I am pain and fear itself." Rin tried to reach the demon, this fear, this pain, but if she tried anything she would hit Sesshomaru. He was blocking her on purpose, but why.

"Rin! Leave, now!" Sesshomaru growled at her. If she killed this demon, she would lose herself the way she is now. If she remains in this state...She will be lost. Then it was as if a voice was in her head, telling her to stop, to think about her son. Their son. To think about the long life she could live with him, about the joys of being a mother. The joys of watching the very thing that her and Sesshomaru created. The life that had with Sesshomaru. And how she was his forever. How she would always have a piece of Sesshomaru with her forever.

At the last forever, Rin seemed to come back to her senses as the sky began to clear, and to see the Demon now dead, and Sesshomaru.... "SESSHOMARU!!!!!!" Her voice was heard for miles as she cried out for her demon, for her lover, for her mate, for the one being that made her whole.

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