Chapter 22

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I do hope that you all enjoy this chapter.  Also updates may slow down soon because I will be busy. 


I took slow breaths to try and calm myself, but it wasn't working like I had wanted it too. I felt pain everywhere, and I am getting tired from holding up this barrier. Sesshomaru, please hurry.

"It seems that time is not on your side, now is it?"

You will not take, nor harm my baby!" I spat at him and then laid my head back as I ground my teeth together to keep from screaming out in pain. Sweat ran down my face, and covered my body. I felt my baby move strangely and it became harder to concentrate on holding the barrier. The barrier seemed to be holding up, but it wasn't me alone.

"I could always keep the child, or give it away to the highest bidder on who wants it as a weapon..." He seemed to ponder at the idea of taking away my child from me, but he would never have my baby, not ever, I would never allow him to touch him. Even in death!

I could feel my baby moving further down, and pain shooting through my body. Please stop. Sesshomaru, where are you?!

"The longer you fight it, the more damage you could cause to the poor thing..." he tilted his head as he said this, and added more power towards breaking the barrier. I screamed out, and then saw a clawed hand go through his chest. His body fell limp to the ground and I saw an angered Sesshomaru. Along with Izayoi and Kagome, who came running towards me only to be held back from the barrier. "Rin?!" they both shouted.

"It's not me!" Inu-no-taishu and Inuyasha went to their mates, and they all stared at me. Sesshomaru came over to me, walking through the barrier as if it were nothing. Once he was inside it vanished. Our baby knew it was safe now that Daddy was here. I then noticed that there was another presence nearby.

Renji? He came running in, "I will hold the rest of them off for as long as I can, just get her out of here!" He shouted as he ran back out of the cave.

Sesshomaru moved to try and move me, but the pain was too much. Izayoi and Kagome came over to help, but then froze. "We have to move her quickly!" Izayoi stated sternly, and she started to help Sesshomaru with moving me. They got me half way off the table when I scream and doubled over in pain.

"I..I..I can't!" I gripped onto Sesshomaru's arms, and looked up to meet his eyes. My breathing was heavy, and then everything seemed to speed up and slow down all at once. If it were not for Sesshomaru, I would have fallen to the ground. I screamed out in pain once more, a few tears gathering in my eyes, threatening to fall down my face.

"Rin we have to get you out of here." Sesshomaru stated.

"I can't.." Izayoi and Kagome looked a bit lost and then looked at me, really looked at me.

"She may be right." Izayoi said as she stared at the table.

Sesshomaru seemed confused, so I decided everyone should know. "My water broke." I cringed and then moaned in pain. "The baby is coming NOW!" I screamed feeling pain throughout my body.

"Sesshomaru, put her on the table and then we need you to step away." Kagome told him, as Izayoi moved to be at the end of the table. Sesshomaru placed me on the table, and Izayoi had found fur to place underneath me. She bent my knees and looked between my legs. Kagome held one of my hands, as Sesshomaru moved to step away as instructed. I reached out and managed to grab a hold of him.

"DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!" There was a bolt of shock that was sent out, and Izayoi and kagome jumped back.

"Rin!" They both shouted.

"It wasn't me!"

They both got back in their places, and Sesshomaru was now half on the table behind me, holding me up, and holding my other hand with his own as Izayoi began to tell me to push. I screamed and groaned in pain with every push. Kagome was rubbing soothing circles on my shoulder, as Izayoi rubbed soothing patterns up and down my leg. "Rin, you need to push, a big one."

"I can't!"

"Yes you can, you have to."

I managed a small push, "I can't..."

"I see a head, Rin, one big push sweetheart!"

I cried, and squeezed Sesshomaru's hand harder. "I am going to kill you!" I nearly growled at him. I pushed with everything that I was worth and felt relief. Izayoi now held a small baby in her arms in a bundle of fur. She had once wrapped around her shoulders to keep her warm. I heard a baby cry, and I could feel the sweat and tears roll down my face. "Congratulations, you have a little boy." She smiled as she handed him to me.

This has to be the biggest smile i have ever given to anyone. I smiled down at him, he had his father's looks that's for sure, and my powers. This is my baby, our baby, and I am sure that Sesshomaru is glad that the boy has no dog ears like Inuyasha. "Hi" was the only thing that I could think of saying right now. Sesshomaru stared down at the two of us, and had a smile on his face. I even saw a slight tear in his eye, but he never let it fall. "Look what we did, we made this." I smiled up at him, and he wrapped his arms around me and leaned his head down onto mine, as we both stared down at the bundle of joy in my arms.

"We have to move, now!" Inu-no-taishu shouted.

Sesshomaru lifted me into his arms, and carried me as I held onto our new born pup.


So I know many of you have been waiting for this chapter, now that you have it, what do you think?  What do you think the name of the baby boy is?  Let's see who will get it right...

What do you think will happen next?  Will the new family get a break, or will more trouble and enemies follow? 




Thank you

Do You See Now!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora