Chapter 1- This is Me

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                 Vincent's POV
   Rumor has it, there was going to be a new student. This will be fun! It always is. I've dated everyone in my grade and I've broken all of their hearts. I guess you could call me a player. But that's what everyone sees. That's not the real me. Not. Even. Close. No one has ever seen through this façade. I stopped myself there, knowing that I wouldn't be able to stop the flow of tears coming. I saw the new kid. A cute, dark haired boy with chocolate brown eyes. I pinned him to a wall with an empty smile.

   "Well, hello~! I'm Vincent. And you are?" When will I find someone who sees through this façade? Somehow, the smile on my face stayed despite the pain in my heart.

   "I-i'm Scott." The boy responded with a nervous chuckle and a bright red blush.

   "What a cute name for such a cute guy." I winked, hoping to get a blush from him.

   "Thanks but... Can you quit the act and let me talk to the real you?" He asked, the blush and smile leaving his face. My mouth was agape and my eyes were wide, the very picture of shock. That look left as soon as it came and that fake smile I always wear replaced it.

   "What are you talking about?" I ask, with a humorless chuckle.

   "I can see it in your eyes. You're sad. This isn't you. I want to talk to you." He continues, his serious face turning hopeful. I turn away from him and look down so my hair shades my eyes. Tears fall from the empty white voids I call my eyes.

   "This is me." I insisted shakily.

   "Whatever. I guess I'll see you around." He sighed, walking away. I was shaking. I wiped my tear-stained cheeks and the empty smile that haunts me returned. He may have seen through me but I'll treat him like the rest. It's not like he'll be any different. Even when they know I'm lying, they fall for it.

   "Scott, huh." I chuckled. "He'll be mine."

________Le Time Skip_______

   "Hello, love~!" I purred flirtatiously.

   "Hey, Vin." Scott replied, his nose in a book.

   "My, what a cute nickname for me~!" I teased. He rolled his eyes. I was close to frowning.

   "So, what do you want? Are you ready to talk to me? The real you, that is." He finally closed the book and looked up at me. That hopeful look again.

   "The real me is talking to you." I lied. This made him laugh. "Your laugh is just as beautiful as your smile. Anyways, since I doubt you have anything to do after school, wanna come over to my house?" I asked, my smile faltering slightly when I said house.

   "Uh... Would your parents be okay with that?" He asked.

   "They don't care..." I mumble incoherently.

   "What? I didn't catch that." He stared into my eyes. I shook my head.

   "They don't mind! They're pretty laid back!" I laugh.

   "O-oh. Well, let me just call my parents and ask." He looked at me strangely and pulled out a phone. He scrolled through the contacts, pressed one and put the phone to his ear. "H-hello? Hello! Uh, mom, can I go over to a friend's house for a little? Haha, yeah... Really? Thanks! Alright! Bye! Love you!" He hung up and looked at me.

   "So yeah?" I asked. He nodded and we walked to my house. He stared in amazement at my house. It was a very nice house. My parents are rich. Sounds cool but it sucks. We walked in and we sat on the couch in the living room.

   "So what do you wanna do?" He asked. Scott was just sitting there quietly with his hands folded.

   "We can play some video games, if you want. I can also get some snacks or something." I answered. I got up, signaling for him to follow. We went to my room and we sat on beanbag chairs. They were purple, like the rest of my room.

   "What kind of video games do you have?" He asked.

   I pulled out 2 laptops from my closet and handed one to him.
   "Wanna play Minecraft?" I asked.

   "Yeah!" He smiled, so I assumed that was his favorite game.

   "Alright. I'll go get snacks. I'll be back in a sec." I was back downstairs in the kitchen. Alone. I grabbed 2 bowls and dumped a bag of jellybeans into one. In the other I put in a different bag of Bamboozle jellybeans. I snickered and suddenly stopped as I saw a picture of my mom and dad. I felt a pang in my heart. I started tearing up at the thought of them and soon, I was full on sobbing. "I hate myself! Why don't they love me? Why are they always leaving me alone? Why did I have to be such an awful person? All I ever do is hurt people! All I do is lie and break their hearts and move on! And now I'm going to do it all over again! What's wrong with me? Why don't I just die!!! Why was I even born???" I screamed through the intense sobs. I punched the wall as hard as I could, leaving a slight dent. My hand started gushing blood. I heard Scott run down the stairs.

   "Vincent! What's wrong?" Scott called. As soon as he saw me, he gasped. "Vin! W-what happened are you okay? Oh my god!" He looked at my hand. "Do you have a first aid kit?" He asked. I nodded and somehow, through the sobs, I said bathroom. He took the uninjured one and dragged me to the closest bathroom and looked for a first aid kit. He found it and put my hand in the sink. He washed off the blood and put some stuff on my hand. I don't know what it was but it hurt. He dried my hand and bandaged it up.

   "Thank you." I sniffled, I had calmed down a little. The tears were almost all gone.

   "Vin, what happened?" He whispered softly, rubbing my back. I shook my head.

   "Vin, come on. What's wrong? I heard you yelling. Don't die, Vin. Please don't kill yourself. Who doesn't love you?" Scott was on the verge of tears himself.

   "I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, I smiled at him but he saw through it. He saw the pain. The sadness. He saw it all.

   "Vin, please. Pretending won't make anything better. Just tell me." He whispered, pulling me into his thin arms.

   "Why don't my parents love me? I could kill myself and they couldn't care less. They always leave me here alone. It makes me feel like I am a mistake and I should just die. And all I do is hurt people. I have dated everyone in our grade. I have broken all their hearts. I caused them all pain. I lied to them. And you were next, Scott. I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I'M SO SORRY! I AM SO SORRY!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" I started crying all over again. He tried soothing me once again.

   "I'm not gonna leave, Vincent. I could never. Tell me you won't die, Vin. Please. You're my friend and I don't want to lose you. I'm sure your parents don't think you're a mistake! And I know you feel bad for breaking their hearts. But the pain isn't forever. It won't hurt for long. Most of them are probably over you." Scott hugged me tighter. He was crying a little too.

   "I won't die." I promised.

   "And I'll stay with you forever, Vin." Scott promised.

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