Young Justice Chatroom

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^Artemis: ONLINE^

^Megan: ONLINE^

^Zatanna: ONLINE^

^Conner: ONLINE^

^Robin: ONLINE^

^Wally: ONLINE^

^Kaldur: ONLINE^


Wally: Rob, why did you make this?

Robin: Cause i wanted to. What's wrong with it?

Kaldur: I think this is going to be fun. What do you think Conner?

Conner: *shrugs* i honestly don't care.

Wally: Well you should! How do we know Robin didn't do this as some sort of

prank!!!! Rob, Kaldur help me here!!!

Robin: Your on your own.

Kaldur: Why are the girls not talking? They are online.

Conner: Megan says hi. She is with me.

Wally: Hey Megan! What's shaking babe?

Megan: Nothing much Wally. Whats up with you?

Robin: Hey Megan! Ok, thats Megan. Where is Artemis and Zatanna?

Megan: They said something about arrows, magic, and telepathy.

Wally: *scrunches nose* Its probably one of Arty's evil plans!

Artemis: DON'T CALL ME ARTY!!!!!!!!!!!

Wally: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Zatanna: Hello. Sorry, our computers kinda hate us. Oh, Artemis stop cursing on the computer!!!

Artemis: ****, Wally is a *****!!!! OH..........sorry Zatanna.

Wally: HEY!!!! *evil smile* Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty!!!!!!!!!

Artemis: OH SHUT UP WEST!!!!!!!!!!!!

^Artemis: OFFLINE^

Zatanna: O_o Wally, you better run. She just Zeta-beamed to you.

Wally: Um, help? *screams* She's in my house!!!!!!!

^Wally: OFFLINE^

Robin: Um, now i'm scared. Remind me never to get her angry.

Kaldur: I am with you on that one my friend.

Conner: I think she might be worse than me.

Megan: *laughs* Oh, you guys!

Zatanna: *frowns* I feel bad for Wally.

Robin: Oh Crap! It's 1:00am, i'm leaving! Bye peoples!

^Robin: OFFLINE^

Zatanna: Yeah. I gotta go too. Bye you guys!

^Zatanna: OFFLINE^

Conner & Megan: Us too. Bye, night Kaldur!

Kaldur: Good Night my friends.

^Conner: OFFLINE^

^Megan: OFFLNE^

^Kaldur: OFFLINE^

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