Back Together (short chapter, sorry)

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^Artemis: ONLINE^

^Megan: ONLINE^

^Zatanna: ONLINE^

^Conner: ONLINE^

^Robin: ONLINE^

^Wally: ONLINE^

^Kaldur: ONLINE^


Zatanna: Hey guys!

Robin: Hey Zee.

Wally: Hey Zee.

Conner: Hey.

Kaldur: Hello Zatanna.

M'gann: HI ZATANNA!!!!

Artemis: *grumbles* I'm still mad.

Wally: *frowns* Why you mad babe?

Conner: Is it cause the girls dragged you to the spa?

Kaldur: I do believe you are right Conner.

Robin: *laughs* Nice one girls!!!!

M'gann: Oh Artemis!

Zatanna: It was fun, chill.

Artemis: Exactly what Conner said. Robin *glares*, your dead, and it was not fun for me.

Robin: *gulps* I'm gonna run.

^Robin: OFFLINE^

Wally: *laughs* Nice one babe. I'm gonna make sure boy wonder isn't making traps. Lov ya Arty!

^Wally: OFFLINE^

Artemis: *sighs* Don't call me Arty. *whispers* love you too Baywatch.

Conner: Such a cute couple!

M'gann: Your right Conner! Oh, my cookies. Bye you guys!

^Megan: OFFLINE^

^Conner: OFFLINE^

Zatanna: Why Conner get offline?

Kaldur: Helping M'gann.

Zatanna: Ok. *shrugs*

Artemis: Well, I have to go set traps for Robin, peace people!

^Artemis: OFFLINE^

Zatanna: Ooh, I'll help!!

Kaldur: I'm helping too.

^Zatanna: OFFLINE^

^Kaldur: OFFLINE^

*Soooooooooo, Watcha think??*

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