Pr-SHHHH!!!!!!! It's a secret!!!!!!! part 2

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^Conner: ONLINE^

^Robin: ONLINE^

^Wally: ONLINE^


Robin: Wally? You online?

Wally: Yeah. Hey Supie!

Conner: What?

Wally: Were are you? I'm hiding in a closet.

Robin: I'm at my house.

Conner: Not telling.

Wally: Why!?

Conner: Cause, we don't know if they're online or not.

^Artemis has turned off invisibility^

^Zatanna has turned off invisibility^

^Kaldur has turned off invisibility^

^M'gann has turned off invisibility^

Robin: Oh crap!

Wally: AHHH!!!!!!!

Conner: O_O um, hi?

Kaldur: *snooty voice* HI! How is everyone?!

Zatanna: *snooty voice* I'm fine! How about you? Artemis? M'gann?

Kaldur: *snooty voice* Oh, fine girl!

Artemis: *snooty voice* totally fine!!

M'gann: Totes on the fine!

Robin: O.O O.M.G!omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg HELP!!!!!!!!

Wally: Um, glad everyone's fine?

Conner: M'gann, why did you just bite me?

M'gann: *snooty voice and sighs* Hang on.

^M'gann has taken Conner to private communications^

Wally: What are they doing?

Robin: I don't remember installing a private communications setting.

Zatanna: *snooty voice* Your turn to be like us! Where is M'gann and Conner?!

Artemis: *snooty voice* I, like, have zero idea.

Kaldur: *snooty voice* No clue.

Robin&Wally: *begs* please don't hurt us!!!!

^M'gann and Conner have come back from private communications^

Conner: Ok ok. Think they learned there lesson you guys.

M'gann: *regular voice* Yeah. Even though this is really fun.

Artemis: *regular voice* Oh thank god! Nice plan Zee and Kaldur.

Zatanna&Kaldur: Thanks!!

Robin: ?????? I don't get it. Was this a prank!?

Wally: *jaw drops* never. messing. with. you. people. again.

Artemis: *smirks* Yup! and Baywatch, you should have seen this coming!

^Robin has disbanded chatroom^

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