
7K 265 128

^Artemis: ONLINE^

^Megan: ONLINE^

^Conner: ONLINE^

^Robin: ONLINE^

^Wally: ONLINE^

^Kaldur: ONLINE^


Wally: MERRY X-MAS!!!!!!!

M'gann: It's Christmas already? *gasps* I didn't get gifts!!

^Megan: OFFLINE^

Artemis: nice job Baywatch!

Kaldur: I shall go fetch M'gann

^Kaldur: OFFLINE^

Conner: I'm going to hurt you Wally.

^Conner: OFFLINE^

Robin: You two stay here. Just in case she comes back.

^Robin: OFFLINE^

Artemis: Why do i have to be stuck here with you!!

Wally: I don't know, just move away from the jello!

Artemis: What are you going to do about it? *grabs jello*

Wally: Give. It. Back.

Artemis: *narrows eyes* Or what?

Wally: I have your bow and arrow.


Wally: Give me the jello.

Artemis: No. *throws jello onto the floor*

Wally: NO!!!!! *tackles Artemis*

Artemis: Get off Baywatch!!!!!

Wally: NO! You threw the jello on the ground!

Artemis: SO!

Wally: I wanted to eat it!

Artemis: You are unbelievable!!!

Wally: What is wrong with you! Your a crazy psychopathic girl!

Artemis: Alright Wally, I've had enough of your crap! I'll say this slow so it might soak through that dense skull of yours: FORGET ABOUT THE STUPID JELLO AND SHUT UP!!!!!

Wally: NO! Maybe you shouldn't be on this team! This team respects each other. Obviously, you don't respect anybody and vice versa!!

Artemis: EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!

Wally: You heard me!! You don't respect anyone and only think about yourself! I've had enough of your-

Artemis: *grabs Wally and kisses him*


Artemis: I'm pretty sure i respect you and vice versa.

Wally: So right babe.

^Wally: OFFLINE^

^Artemis: OFFLINE^

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