Pr-SHHHH!!!!!!! It's a secret!!!!!!! part 1

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^Artemis: ONLINE^

^Megan: ONLINE^

^Zatanna: ONLINE^

^Conner: ONLINE^

^Robin: ONLINE^

^Wally: ONLINE^

^Kaldur: ONLINE^


Artemis: I. Hate. School.

Robin: I'm with you on that one Arty-Artemis :#>

Artemis: *glares* O_O D -> -> -> I shoot arrows at Robin.

Wally: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, you died!!!!!!

Robin: (o_o) (-) x_x I hit Wally with a bird-a-rang.

Conner: Haha Wally.

Megan: *giggles* Thats funny. I wanna join. O.O w-w-w-w-w-w -() (o_o) Megan mentally waves hi to Robin.

Conner: O_O Where are Zatanna and Kaldur?

Robin: Thank you Megan for not killing me. And no clue. ZATANNA!!!!!!! KALDUR!!!!!!!

Zatanna: *snooty voice* Ugh! What do you want?? I'm trying to get some sleep!!!!!

Kaldur: *snooty voice* Yeah, Me too!!!! Gosh!!!

Robin: O_O What is wrong with you two??

Zatanna: *snaps, still in snooty voice* Nothing!!!!! It's, like, none of your business!!!!!

Kaldur: *snickers, still in snooty voice* You tell 'em girl!!!!!!

Wally: Kaldur, what is wrong with you????

Artemis: Earth to Zatanna!!! Are you INSANE!?!?!?!?!?!?

Conner: Want me to hit them on the head.

Megan: *blinks* I don't get it.

Artemis: Megan! Can you read their minds please???

Zatanna & Kaldur: *still in snooty voice* NOOOOOO!!!!!!! WE don't want your heads dissected!!!!!!

Conner: I'm hitting them on the head.

Robin: NO! Conner, not yet anyway.

Wally: Conner, hit them if they start running around.

Conner: *shrugs* Ok.

Zatanna: *sighs, still in snooty voice* Megan, come here and i'll tell you whats up.

Conner: Megan, don't. Something could be wrong with them.

Robin: Yeah Megan, don't.

Wally & Artemis: KALDUR!!!!! GET OFF THE CEILING!!!!!!!

Megan: Calm down you guys. I'll be fine. What do you want to tell me Zatanna?

Zatanna: *Bite Megan's arm* There.

Conner: MEGAN!!!!!!!

Robin: *jaw drops*

Wally: *passes out*

Artemis: Did that just happen?????

Kaldur: *Still in snooty voice* hahahaha Nice one girl! High five! *high fives Zatanna.*

Megan: She bit me.

Conner: Why you rotten *charges at Zatanna and Kaldur*

Zatanna & Kaldur: EEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Megan: *snooty voice* Like, oh my god! My arm hurts!

Robin: Wally, get up!!!!

Wally: Dude, Zatanna just bit Megan!!!!!!!!!!!!


Robin: Um, Artemis?


Wally: Yo Arty!


Robin: Um, dude. I think she might be in trouble.

Artemis: *snooty voice* OMG!!!! somebody touched my bow and arrow.

Robin&Wally: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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