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^Zatanna: ONLINE^

^Kaldur: ONLINE^


Zatanna: Where is everybody??

Kaldur: Our friends had finals to attend to. Do you not have school?

Zatanna: *laughs* I got to a magic school. We don't have school today cause someone let loose a giant serpent and a giant. Not fun. What about you?

Kaldur: I do not take school. I learn from my king.

Zatanna: Lucky! I would love it if my dad taught me! *checks watch* Think they are out yet?

Kaldur: Why??? And no, I don't think they are out yet.

Zatanna: Just cause. Hey, meet me at Mt. Justice.

Kaldur: Alright. But, I am already here.

^Zatanna: OFFLINE^

Kaldur: What is she doing?

^Kaldur: OFFLINE^

*Sooooo, what do you think Zatanna is doing?*

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