Chapter 1

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[Note I use the japanese names of people and Pokémon]




Alan a fifteen years old boy with dark hair has finished his training session with his Lizardon for that day and was now on the way to Fleur – de- lis, his director. He was Fleur- de- lis's assistant and helped him with the research about the Mega Evolution of Pokémon. Fleur-de-lis owned labs in the Kalos region near Lumiose City and invented the Holo Caster. Alan followed a straight hallway. This hallway looked exactly like the others in the labs. The walls were dark grey with a red line in the top third of them. The floor was metallic grey and was lit up by large LED lamps. Alan reached the end of the path and went through the automatic door, which led into a round room.

In the back of the room were many graphs projected, which showed the results of the research. A big, round glass box was standing in the center of the room. In it was a huge, shiny rainbow colored stone, the legendary megalith which is the root of the Mega Evolution. The energy of it had the same wavelength as a Mega Stone, one of the two stones, which you needed for a Mega Evolution. But its calorific value surpassed that of a Mega Stone by large margin. In front of the glass box were many computers to analyze the megalith.

Fleur-de-lis was standing with a scientist next to the megalith and didn't notice, that Alan had entered the room.

''How long do you need before we can use the ultimate weapon to destroy this old world and create a new one in which human and Pokémon can live in harmony?'' Fleur-de-lis asked impatiently.

''Just a few more days Fleur-de-lis-san'' answered the scientist nervously.

''Then go back to work and finish it!'' ordered Fleur-de-lis.

The scientist nodded and ran through the door, through which Alan had entered the room a moment before.

Fleur-de-lis, who had turned and had followed the scientist with his eyes noticed Alan, who had a shocked expression on his face.

''Alan, how long do you stand there? What did you hear?'' asked Fleur-de-lis calmly.

''Daihyou, why?'' asked Alan emotionless.

''Why?'' Fleur-de-lis laughed.

''Because this world is ugly and I want to live in a beautiful world. Humanity has destroyed the beauty of the nature through their urbanization. In a few days I will use the megalith as energy for the weapon which will cut out this mistake'' he stated with an evil grin.

''What will happen to the people and Pokémon?'' Alan asked still emotionless.

''They will die'' answered Fleur-de-lis as if it was no big deal.

Alan showed no emotions by this answer, but he thought about the Pokémon and especially about his Lizardon. And to his surprise he also thought about Manon, the ten years old girl, which followed him and was now in the Houen region by Daigo, the champ of that region. As time passed Alan had dissociated himself from people and had built a wall in front of him. But Manon somehow broke through it. Even if he doesn't show it, he cares about her.

''I resign'' Alan said calmly, turned around and went in the direction of the door while his hands were in his trouser pockets. Before Alan reached the door Fleur-de-lis said confident:

''I'm sure you'll change your mind and come back to me.''

Alan shrugged his shoulders and went through the door. He left the labs and went to the Pokémon Center of Lumiose City.

In the Pokémon Center Alan went to one of the video phones on the right side. He dialed Daigo's number, took the receiver and called him. After a few seconds Alan saw Daigo on the screen. He sat at his desk in the Devon Corporation, which his father owns.

''Nice to see you Alan. To what do I owe the honor of this call?'' Daigo asked politely.

''Could you bring Manon to Lumiose City in the Kalos region?'' Alan begged.

''Manon-kun? Isn't she with you?'' Daigo asked.

''No. Why should she?'' Alan asked slightly concerned.

''One of the employees of the Devon Corporation flew her to Lumiose City, so I thought that she is with you'' Daigo explained.

''She isn't with me and I haven't seen her yet'' Alan stated with crossed arms.

''Where could she be?'' asked Daigo concerned.

If Manon came here then she is searching for me. She knows, that I work for Fleur-de-lis or had worked for him, so she is in all probability in the labs. Alan remembered what Fleur-de-lis had said as he resigned. ''I'm sure you'll change your mind and come back to me'.' Could it mean...

''Alan? Is something wrong?'' Daigo asked.


''You didn't answer my question and looked as if you were in deep thoughts'' Daigo explained.

''It's nothing. I must go now, so bye'' Alan said and hang up before Daigo could say anything against it.

He ran out of the Pokémon Center and to the labs.

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