Chapter 7

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Manon reached the place of the explosion. It looked horrible. Everywhere lay metal parts which used to form the labs of Fleur-de-lis and the ground was burnt. Here and there were flames still burning and smoke obstructed the vision. Manon looked around and searched carefully for Alan.

''Alan? Where are you?'' Manon called worried.

''It's us, Manon and Hari-san! If you can hear us, then answer!'' she added while Hari-san who was on her right shoulder also called for him.

When she heard a noise she turned in that direction and saw an orange fire beam, which was shot straight up in the sky.

''That's Flamethrower'' Manon said to herself.

Realization hit her.

''Lizardon!'' she shouted while she ran towards the pillar of fire.

When Manon reached the place she saw Lizardon, who used still Flamethrower. Lizardon was now in his normal form. After the shock wave he had returned to it. Manon approached Lizardon afraid of what she would get to see. Lizardon stopped his attack when he noticed her and Hari-san. He was injured and exhausted. Manon stood now next to him and looked at the ground. Her eyes widened when she saw Alan lying unconscious on it. He had many scratches and light burns on his body.

She knelt quickly next to him and shook him lightly while she said desperately:

''Alan, wake up! Wake up!''

While Manon did that Hari-san jumped from her shoulder and tried to help her to wake Alan up. But it didn't work. Her eyes got glazed.

She turned around when someone touched her left shoulder.

''Daigo-san'' Manon called quietly.

''He needs medical treatment. I will bring him to the hospital of Lumiose City while you get Lizardon to the Pokémon Center'' Daigo ordered gentle.

''But...'' Manon wanted to protest, but was interrupted by Daigo.

''Look at Lizardon. He looks drained. Don't you think he deserves medical treatment too?''

Manon looked at Lizardon. He seems pretty exhausted. But that's no surprise. He had protected Alan. Lizardon is very important for him.

'You're right! We'll bring Lizardon to the Pokémon Center, right Hari-san?' Manon said determined.

Hari-san nodded in agreement. Manon stood up, took Lizardon's Pokéball, which lay next to Alan and returned Lizardon into it. Hari-san climbed up to her right shoulder while Daigo put Alan on his back. Together they walked to Lumiose City. When they reached it, their ways separated. Daigo brought Alan to the hospital while Manon ran with Hari-san on her shoulder and Lizardon's Pokéball in her hands to the Pokémon Center.

When she arrived it, she ran through the door and straight to the counter where nurse Joy stood.

''Can I help you?'' nurse Joy asked politely.

''Yeah... can you ... take care... of this ... Pokémon, please?'' Manon asked trying to catch her breath, because she had run as fast as she could, while she held the Pokéball in front of Joy.

''Sure I can'' she answered smiling and took the Pokéball out of Manon's hands.

''Could you tell me your name?'' nurse Joy asked politely.

Manon nodded and answered smiling:

''I'm Manon and this is Hari-san''

She pointed at him and he greeted the nurse .

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