Chapter 8

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The next morning:

Rays of sunlight pierced through the blue curtains, which the nurse had shut yesterday evening, and lightened up the room. Alan slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times to get used to the brightness. He tried to sit up carefully, but yet he felt the pain of his injuries through this movement. Where am I? The last thing I remember is, that I fell from Lizardon's back. How did I get here? Alan looked around, but stopped when he saw Manon, who still slept. At this sight he smiled slightly.

After he had watched her for a while, she opened her eyes half and sat up. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, stretched herself and yawned. Through this movements Hari-san woke up too and climbed up her right shoulder.

''Good morning''

''Morning'' Manon said drowsy.

When she recognized the voice she was wide awake. She looked at him surprised.

''Alan! You're awake! Thank goodness!'' Manon said relieved and cheerful while she stood up and hugged him.

He winced by that. When Manon noticed that, she immediately disbanded the hug and sat down on the chair again.

''I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you'' Manon said apologizing.

''It's ok'' Alan said trying to cheer her up.

''No, it's not! You're hurt! And don't act like you have no pain! You have already broken your promise! You said, that nothing would happen to you, but when I found you yesterday, you were hurt and unconscious! Do you can imagine how scared I was about you when I saw that explosion? I really thought I lose you'' Manon said starting angry, but getting desperately at the end.

Alan was shocked by that. He never had seen her that angry before. Alan sighed.

''I'm sorry. You're right I have pain, but it really isn't bad. I was just surprised by the sudden body contact, that's all'' he explained honestly.

''Honto-ni?'' Manon asked.

Alan nodded.

''That's good'' Manon said smiling.

''Oh, before I forget it'' she began, got Lizardon's Pokéball out of her trouser pocket and stood up.

''Here!'' Manon said while holding the ball to Alan.

''Lizardon!'' Alan called worried while he took the Pokéball and put it in one of his trouser pockets.

''Don't worry! He's fine. I brought him yesterday to the Pokémon Center'' Manon said calming him down.

''You did?'' Alan asked surprised.

''Of course! He means a lot to you, right?'' Manon said smiling.

''Yeah. Arigato na'' Alan said while he put his left hand on Manon's cap.

Her eyes widened. Just like back then. When Alan saw her reaction he realized it, too. He had said and done the same after Fleur-de-lis had disappeared with the megalith. But this time it was different.

Alan pulled his hand back and hugged Manon. She was really surprised by that, because she hadn't expected it and it was the first time, that he took the initiative. Manon returned the hug carefully. She didn't want to hurt him again.

They rested like that for a few moments, before they disbanded the hug. Manon smiled brightly and even Alan did.

The door opened and the nurse from yesterday evening came in. She walked across the room and parted the curtains. Then she turned her attention to Alan.

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