Chapter 9

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Manon had played with the Pokémon in the garden for a while and was now exploring the house with Hari-san. When she heard the voices of Alan and the professor, she walked quietly and curious to the door of the room. She pressed her right ear on the door and listened. Hari-san did the same.

''To switch the topic. What would you say to work as my assistant again?'' Manon heard the professor ask.

Without noticing her whole body tensed up by hearing that and she placed her left hand, which formed a fist, in front of her chest.

''I would love to'' she heard the response of Alan.

Hearing this, caused Manon's heart sudden pain and her world broke apart. She knew what it meant. Their paths would separate here. Manon put her ear away from the door. Her eyes got glazed, she turned around and ran away with Hari-san in tow. She crossed the entrance hall, where she almost crashed into Sophie and ran out of the house.

''But I must refuse the offer'' Alan added.

Professor Platane was surprised by that answer.

''May I ask why?'' the professor asked interested.

''Because I want to continue traveling with Manon'' Alan answered with hints of a smile on his face.

''You like her, am I right?'' professor Platane said gentle.

''Yeah. She is an important friend for me'' Alan answered with a slight smile.

''I see. But please stay in contact with me this time'' the professor demanded friendly

''I will, hakase!'' Alan answered determined.

They said goodbye to each other and went both to the entrance hall, where they found Sophie troubled.

''What happened?'' the professor asked his assistant concerned.

''The little girl'' Sophie said.

''You mean Manon?'' Alan asked now slightly concerned.

Sophie nodded and added:

''She ran across the room, nearly crashed into me and left''

''She left?'' Alan asked shocked and left the house running.

Alan ran through the city. Where could she be? Why did she run away? And why it must happen in the biggest city of the world? She could be anywhere. He passed the café, in which they had eaten their breakfast. Then he remembered the conversation, which he had with Manon while they had been waiting for the food.


''Alan? Can we go to the Prism Tower after we have visited your friend?'' Manon asked smiling.

''Sure. But why do you want to go there?'' Alan asked.

''The last time I was here I got my first Pokémon and I wanted to start my journey as fast as possible, so I hadn't got the time to go to the Prism Tower'' Manon explained smiling brightly, because of his answer.

End of Flashback

The Prism Tower! Alan turned and headed to the Prism Tower, which stood in the center of Lumiose City.

When he arrived it he saw Manon sitting on a bench and ran relieved to her.

''Manon! Here you are!'' Alan called relieved and stopped in front of the backside of the bench.

Manon flinched by hearing his voice.

''A-Alan!'' she said surprised without turning around to him.

''Why did you run away? What happened?'' Alan asked, but he got no answer.


Still no answer.

Alan got annoyed by that and went to the front side to face Manon, but she turned her head away from him. She tried to hide something, but failed. Alan noticed it. She was crying.

''Manon, why are you crying?'' Alan asked concerned.

His annoyance had disappeared.

''I heard you'' Manon said looking down.


''I heard, that you want to be professor Platane's assistant again!'' Manon said louder while she looked still crying up at him.

''This means...'' she broke off.

''What are you talking about? I refused the offer'' Alan said irritated.

Her eyes widened.

''Y-You did?'' Manon asked surprised.

Alan nodded.

''But why?'' she asked.

Alan went to the bench, sat down on it and answered gentle:

''Because I want to continue traveling with you''


Alan slightly smiled and answered while wiping Manon's tears away:

''Yes, now stop crying.''

Manon looked with reddened eyes, which got still a doubtfully look, at him. He sighed and hugged her tight. That was enough for her as proof, so she returned the hug happily.

When they disbanded the hug Hari-san, who sat next to Manon climbed up her shoulder. She smiled when she noticed it and began to laugh. Manon jumped from the bench, took Alan's right hand and pulled on it.

''Alan! Come, let's go!'' Manon said cheerful.

Alan stood up and couldn't suppress a smile when she ran ahead with the brightest smile on her face.

A/N: So that was the last chapter of the story. I hope you enjoyed it and I would love to hear your feedback :)

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