Chapter 4 - Running

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I followed Minho back through the woods at a run. He didn't say anything until we were right at the edge of the woods. "Wait for Gally."

I looked at the woods we had ran through. The trees were brown and dry, with only a few green leaves on each branch, making to woods look dark and depressing. Dead leaves and branches covered the floor, and I watched ad more of the leaves fluttered down from the trees, settling too the ground silently.

We heard twigs snapping, and turned around to see Gally jogging through the trees. When he reached us he put his hands on his knees, gasping for air, as his face was red with effort. "There's a reason I'm not a shucking runner."

Minho laughed, but I frowned. There was the word again. Runner.

"Ok, Newbie-"

"Zoe." I interupted.

"Ok, Newbie" Minho continued, not giving a care in the world. "See that big wooden building in the distance?"

I looked where he was pointing and saw it. It was the biggest building here, and was one of the furthest away. It looked to be three or four stories high. It was crooked and leaning slightly to the right, and I was sure that one huge gust of wind would knock it over easily.

"I'll race ya to it. On three?" He asked. "Gally, count us in."

Gally glanced me and smiled at Minho. "You are so gonna get your butt kicked." He laughed.

Minho smirked. "We'll see." He got ready to run. Looks like I didn't have a say in the matter of whether I was racing or not.

I mimicked Minho's stance anyway, and prepared myself to run.

"One, two... Three!" Gally said, and we took off running.

It was a draw for about five seconds, and then I was easily outstripped by Minho. I wasn't even going full speed! Wjat was wrong with me?

I heard him grunt and speed up, so I went faster. Faster than I did when running away from him. I managed to catch back up to him and we were level again, each putting on  a burst of speed and coming infront before the other did the same.

I heard Gally whooping in the background, and lots of other boys were staring at me.

I smiled and ran faster. It was the fastest I had ever ran, yet I still kept increasing the speed. I was infront of Minho now, by about half a metre.

In less than a minute, we was at Homestead. I reached the building first, Minho coming up just after me.

I smiled. I sat down on the grass and caught my breath. It was close but clear. I had won.

"Shuck it, Newbie. Your fast!" He said between breaths.

"Ahh. And so the girl returns."

I stood up and turned around. Newt and Alby were stood there, Alby with his arms folded across his broad chest, and Newt leaning slightly to the side, putting his weight on one leg.

"Have fun playing tag?" Alby asked. "How long were you hiding 'till Minho caught you? Did you try running again?"

I glared at him. "He didn't catch me or find me. Gally found me, and then Minho asked me for a race. I won."

Newt laughed. "He probably let you win. He's the fastest runner here. No way you could beat him."

I turned to Minho. "Did you let me win?"

"Huh. I wish. 'Fraid to say it Newt, but she is faster than me."

I smiled and turned back to Newt. "Ha. See."

Alby was staring at me. "I don't beleive you. Minho is really fast."

I smiled. "Looks like I'm faster."

Alby growled. "Prove it."

My smile faulted. "No way. I'm not here to be your entertainment." I was liking this guy less and less.

"Correct." I heard Gally say behind me. "She may be a girl, but she's just the same as us. And she is faster than Minho. I was there. You can even ask all the other guys that they ran past."

I practically beamed at Gally.

"So the Newbie has got an admirer on the first day?" Alby sneered.

I clenched my fists. "Friend, actually. He is the only person who bothered to talk to me like I wasn't a peice of-"

"Ok, ok, feisty pants. Calm down. " Minho said, chuckling to himself.

I glared at the floor. "Fine, if you don't beleive me, then try catching me again." And with that, I spun around and tore off again, in and out of the buildings and trees, with Gally, Minho, Newt, Alby and five other boys chasing after me.

I laughed and sped up, looping around to stand back next to the Homestead. Only Minho kept up with me, but he was making no effort to grab me. We ran around the whole perimeter of the Glade and stopped back at the Homestead, waiting for the others.

About a minute later, they came into view. I smiled and waved sarcastically.

"Enjoy your little run?" I asked Alby, who was breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his face.

"You bet. And guess what? You just got yourself a job."

"A job?" I asked him, confused.

"Yup. You are now a slopper."

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