Chapter 15 - The Truth

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We all sat on the floor in a loose cirlce on the grass near the deadheads.

"Spill." Alby said.

I took a deep breath and started to explain. "Corby and I are telepathic. We can talk to eachother in our minds when we touch."

I didn't tell him about Corby being able to talk to me without touching, as I still wanted that to be a secret.

Alby looked shocked, then confused, then angry. "I don't beleive you. Prove it."

I sighed. "That's the second time you haven't beleived me." I said.

He stood up. "Follow me Corby. We'll see if you're telling the truth or not."

They walked away from us until they were out of earshot. I watched them, but couldn't read their lips from this distance.

They came back after 2 minutes.

"Watch this." Corby grinned and held my hand.

Alby told me five names of Gladers. I have to tell you like this, and you have to say them out loud. Okay? He thought.

I smiled and nodded. This was easy!

Ok. The names are: Ben... Daniel... Nick... Gally... Theo. He told me.

I nodded again and repeated the names out loud, to Alby.

Again, he looked shocked, and then his face split into a big grin. "That's amazing!" - I looked at Minho and grinned. - "I want to be able to do that!!"

I laughed. "You're like a big kid, Alby! How did you ever get voted to be the leader!" I asked, jokingly.

He shook his head, mystified. "I have no idea!" He was being completely serious.

We all laughed. I looked at the faces of the four people infront of me.

I have great friends. I thought.

I know you do. Corby thought back.

I jumped a little and looked down at our hands, which were still touching.


The next few weeks passed without anything exciting happening.

I carried on my running with Minho and got to run on my own after 2 weeks. I had made a couple more friends, but Gally still wasn't talking to me.

I had a new bedroom on the Homestead, on the third floor, and I shared it with Minho.

There were two single beds at each end of the room. I had claimed the one next to the window, so I could watch everyone walking around the Glade.

I still hadn't figured out how to talk to Corby without touching him, but he swore he could hear me for a second, until the sound had gone.

I had made up with Newt, so we were talking again.

Before I knew it, I had been in the Glade for two months, and another Newbie was on his way. Or hers.

I was in the maze, eating my lunch, when I heard the alarm go off.

I jumped up and raced back to the Glade, eager to see the new Greenie.

Because I had run so fast, I had gotten back just as Newt jumped into the box. Phew.

I watched Alby and some other Gladers pull up the rope, amd found myself praying that this Newbie wouldn't attack me.

As the boy stood up and looked around, I had another memory flash. Luckily I didn't pass out for this one, and it wasn't as vivid.

I just remembered sitting behind this guy everyday in Math class and staring into his black hair. I remember having a HUGE crush on him, but never actually having the courage to tell him. We were actually good friends, and he used to joke around with Jai and I.

I stumbled a tiny bit, but luckily nobody noticed.

The boy faced Alby.

"Where am I?" He asked,  the voice so familiar to me.

I sighed. I used to wake up for that voice every morning, used to drag myself to school so I could see his diamond blue eyes.

I knew that the people who had put us in the maze (the Gladers called them the Creators) had put this guy in the maze to give me more memories.

"Welcome to the Glade, shank. What's your name?" Alby answered the boy.

I frowned. What was his name?

"I don't know." He muttered. "I can't remember."

"Don't worry about it. We'll call you Newbie or Greenie or Greanbean till you remember." Minho said from next to me.

I jumped. I didn't know he was there!

"Wait. It begins with a... a... a Z."

It was like someone had clicked a light bulb on in my brain.

I leaned over to Minho. "Guesses on what his name is. Winner gets the others next meal." I whispered.

"Deal." He grinned and we shook hands.

"My bet is Zalfie or Zain or something along those lines." He said.

I smiled. "Zak." I muttered.

Minho stared at me. "What type of name is that?" He asked.

"What type of name is Zoe, or Minho?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Good point."

The boy turned to Ably. "Zak. My name is Zak."

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