Chapter 8 - Newbie

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Not much else happened in the Glade in the next few weeks.

I still had my stitches in, so I couldn't run, but at least I didn't have to run from anybody.

All the exitement had been in my first few days. Gally told me that I went into shock and passed out when I touched Jai. I wouldn't come back around for three days. Then, when I did, I decided I didn't like being conscious, so I threw myself down the stairs, into a pile of glass, which nobody knows where it came from.

I was doing good now though, and had made lots of new friends, Alby, Newt and Minho included.

However, I had one thing that still bothered me. My memory. I knew that's what it was when I touched Jai. I knew I was remembering something from my past. Something from our past. We had know eachother outside of the Glade, and I wanted to know how.

I felt myself staring at him most of the time, amd people started to notice. Especially Gally and Minho.

Gally and Minho had become my own personal bodyguards over the last few weeks, and it seemed like I was never alone. I was grateful though, and I had come to like the boys more and more.

Minho would tease me every time he saw me, but I still didn't tell him why I was doing it. That would be too complicated.

Gally, however, glared at Jai and if he ever caught me stating, he would clear his throat loudly and walk off.

"Just ignore him." Newt said as I had zoned out once again.

"Thanks, but it's my fault. I don't know what's wrong with me! It's like there is someone controlling me, making me think about my past and stare at Jai. Almost as if someone's are telling me something."

"Or it could just be my incredible good looks that draw you in." Jai joked.

"Bit full of yourself, aren't you?" Minho asked. He ran his hand through his hair and pouted. "Especially when you don't have looks as good as these." He pointed to his face and everyone laughed.

We were sat at our dinner table, eating Frypan's stew. It was surprisingly nice, given the hm fact that no one knew what was in it.

"So, what're we gonna-" Alby was cut off by a loud buzzing sound.

Everyone jumped up, apart from Jai and I.

Minho, who had been sitting next to me, grabbed my hand. "A Newbie's comin'!" He shouted over the noise and he jogged, with me in tow, over to the box.

We pushed to the front of the crowd and stood next to Alby and Newt. Across from me, I could see Gally. He was staring at Minho and I, who were still holding hands.

He looked up and met my eyes. I saw hurt flash in them before he glared at Minho and looked down, at the box.

I decided not to mention it. I watched as the box opened and revealed a boy standing, staring up at us all with shockingly green eyes. They were brighter than Gally's or mine. (I had seen myself for the first time here when I looked in a spoon at my reflection. I had blonde curly hair and green eyes, with freckles along my nose and under my eyes).

Newt threw down the rope and the boy instantly climbed up, as though he knew exactly what to do.

He looked around at us all and his eyes rested on me. He was staring at me and the other boys had started to whisper now.

When the stare became a scary, unblinking stare, Minho cleared his throat and the boy jumped. He looked at Minho, then down at our hands, still interwined.

He rurned bright red and faced Alby, sizing him up with his judging eyes.

"What's your name?" Alby asked.

"Corby." The boy replied without a seconds hesitation.

He had brown curly hair and was a few centimetres taller than me. He seemed very calm, and his hands were held steady at his sides. It was almost as if he knew what was going on.

"Who's she?" He asked, pointing to me, with bo shame or secrecy about his actions.

Nearly all the boys laughed at this, apart from Newt, Alby, Jai and Gally.

Minho nudged me. "Lover boy's come to say hello." He whispered in my ear.

I pushed him away, feeling myself go red, but he still had hold of my hand, so he didn't go far. He just grinned at me and stood closer.

"That's Zoe." Newt said, his vice slow and steady, as if he were talking to a wild animal.

"But if you touch her, we will banish you, understand?"

Everyone turned to stare at Gally. Why would he say such a thing?

Just then, Corby's eyes went pitch black. His body shook slightly and his voice changed to sound alnost robotic.

"That's a shame, Gally. I shall have to kill her then, before my banishment."

He lunged at my throat.

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