Chapter 13 - Memory [2]

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We were running. Jai and I. We were running away from a man. He was fast, but we were faster, though our feet slipped on the sand and we kept stumbling.

It kicked up behind us and I almost fell. Jai grabbed my arm to keep me upright and we ran faster.

Up ahead, there was a building. It seemed to be the only one that wasn't on fire.

We ran towards it and jumped through a smashed window, rolling onto the floor to absorb the impact.
Jai stumbled a little, but regained his balance quickly.

I scanned the room. There was a staircase that headed up. It was about a ten story building, so we would be pretty high up, and able to see if anyone was coming.

We raced up the stairs. Each floor was the same. Rubble from the holes in the walls littered the floor, and smashed glass coated it.

So far, the building seemed to be deserted.

When we got to the top floor, we sat with our backs against the wall, in the only rubble free spot on the floor, breathing heavily.

I looked around rhe room we were in. It looked lile all of the other rooms, just with more holes. There was a huge hole in the middle of the ceiling, and I could see the red sky through it.

"Well, well. If it isn't the escapees."

I looked at Jai and we jumped up, standing back to back. 

"Where are you?" I shouted. I recognised the voice as the man that was chasing us.

"Right here." The man said. I looked up and saw his head in the hole. He was leaning over, looking down at us, an ugly grin on his blistered face.

"How the shuck did you get up their?" Jai asked.

The man chuckled. "Glad to see the injection worked. You are a true Glader now. Almost ready to be sent up, don't you think? And as for you, Miss, Corby is waiting."


-The image fades into a new one-

"Has she done it yet?"

"Nearly Ma'am."

"Bring Corby in."

A man nodded and walked out of the room. I was sat on a table, wearing a white flowing dress that stopped just above my knees. I could feel my hair flowing down my back, and I was a little cold.

"Jane, why are we doing this?" I asked the woman who was stood infront of me. She was about fourty years old, in a grey, pinstripe suit and small heels. He hair was pulled back in a right bun, and she clasped her hands infront of her.

"I will be able to tell you shortly, sweetheart. As soon as Corby comes."
She kissed my forehead and ran her finger down my cheek.

"Ma'am?" The man was back again.

Jane sighed. "Yes, Toby?"

"I got the boy." He said, and he stepped to the side to let Corby enter.

Jane walked forward and embraced Corby. "How I have missed you, my darling!" She said, though it sounded fake.

Corby stuck his tongue out at me from over her shoulder and I made a gagging gesture back. Toby, who was still in the doorway, saw what I did, winked and retreated, shutting the door behind him before he could laugh.


"NOOOO!! DON'T TAKE HIM AWAY!!" I screamed at Jane.

"Zoe. Zoe. Calm down, love. He's going to be safe. I promise."

The doors to the life began to shut. Jai was laid in the middle of the floor, unconcious becasue of the Memory Serum.

I glanced at the table. There was still some left. I leapt at it and injected it into my neck.

It stung, but I didn't care.

"Zoe, no!" Jane shouted. "Do you realise that you have just killed yourself? The boys will never accept you! Why, Zoe, why?"

I stepped into the lift and faced Corby, who was standing next to Jane.

"Sorry, Corbs. I gotta do this. I will see you again. I promise. Don't do anything stupid. I will see you again. I love you. " I waved and I saw him raise his hand to wave back, but the door slammed shut.

I sat next to Jai and closed my eyes. The image of Corby was burned into my eyes.

His face was slack with shock and surprise. He had tears in his eyes as he raised his hand, but he was too late. I was gone. I wouldn't remember him.

He was already slipping away. I couldn't remember his name. I couldn't remember what colour eyes he had.

Who was I? Who was the boy next to me?

I sighed and slumped against a box, knowing only one thing.

I shouldn't be here.

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