Chapter 10 - The Power

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I sat down on the ground opposite Corby.

"Sorry about the whole...strangling you thing. I don't know what came over me. It was like soneone was controllimg me, amd i was tryi g to fight it. I promise. But I do know onw thimg. We are connected. We have a power, but I don't know what it is. I though I was going crazy at first, when the woman in my head told me, but the more I think about it, the more real it sounds."

"A power?" I asked, comfused. I knew I should feel angry or scared by the boy, but I just couldn't. Not after what he has said. Now I just feel intrigued. Whether he was lying or not.

"Yes. Sort of like mind reading. But we can talk to eachother when we are touching. The woman told me that we can do it. We mastered it before tu came into the Galde."

"What dya mean? We can talk to eachother in our heads?" I didn't beleive him. Besides, if a crazy woman was talking to him in his head, I didn't want a crazy voice of my own.

"I think so. At least, that's what I remember. They inserted this thing in us both and that bit of my memory has come back. I remember it."

"Well, how does it work?" I asked, feeling slightly jelous that he is already regaining bits of memory, amd in have been here for a month and not received anything.

He reached his hand through the bars. "Put your hand on mine." He said, his face completely serious.

I hesitated and he noticed. "I'm not going to hurt you again. I promise." He said. Soemthing about the look in his eyes made me believe him.

I nodded and put my hand on his.

Hello. I heard him say in my mind.

Oh my gods that's so freaky!! I thought, and he laughed.

Tell me about it. But I suppose it could come in handy. He thought back .

Your telling me. I thought back.

Just then, Gally came running up.

"Hey Zoe! Alby wants to know if-"

He cut off, looking at mine and Corby's hands.

Uh oh. -Corby.

Whoopsie! -Me.

Don't tell him. -Corby.

Like he'd beleive us anyway! I thought and let go of his hand.

"What does Alby want to know, Gally?" I asked him, standing up.

"If you wanna come to the gathering." He mumbled, not meeting my eyes.

"Yeah, sure. When is it?" I asked.

"Right after I have a word with you." Gally replied and he turned his back on me, heading towards the trees.

I looked at Corby. "I'll come back as soon as I can." I said, and he nodded.


As I followed Gally into the trees, he spun around to face me, an her and hurt flashing in his eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, taking me aback.

I frowned, hurt. "What do you mean?"

"Holding hands with the boy that almost killed you. Holding hands with the boy who chased you, but you don't want anything to do with the people that were nice to you!" He spat.

I was speechless. "Gally. I can explain."

"Go on then." He sat down on a fallen tree.

I sat next to him and took a deep breath. "I was holding Minho's hand because he was leading me to the box, and he was pulling me along."

"And you didn't let go after?" He asked.

"No. I didn't." I said. I wasn't going to feel guilty about holding hands with someone, just because Gally was jelous. It's not like I was cheating on him or anything.

"So why were you holding the other slinthead's hand?"

"I can't tell you."


"Because it's a secret."

"You have a secret with the shank that stragled you?"

"Yes I do." I wasn't going to play games with Gally.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because of the creators." I said.

That threw him. "The creators?"

"Yes. Now, when's the gathering?" I asked.

Gally sighed. "Now."

I turned around and ran (or hobbled, because of my stitches) to the Homestead, wanting to get away from Gally and his jelousy.


When I got there, Alby came over to me.

"What's the shank said?" He asked me.

"Nothing. Just that he remembers me, but just my face." I lied swiftly. I hoped I would have the time to tell Corby before Alby questioned him.

"Hmph. How's ya neck?"

"I dunno. Is it badly bruised?"

He put a finger under my chin and lifted my head.

"Mmm. There are a few bruises, where his fingers were. They are a blacky-purpley colour, but will eventually-"

"Alby!!" We spun around. Gally was stood facing us, pointing a finger at Alby and me.

"WHY?" he screamed. "LEAVE HER ALONE! SHE ALREADY HAD A BOYFRIEND WITHOUT YOU KISSING HER TOO!!" He glared at us, a wold light blazing in his eyes. At that moment, he looked like one of the Cranks from my memory. 

People had started to come out of the Homestead now, to see what Gally was screaming about.

Newt and Minho were staring open-mouthed at Alby and I.

"Gally? What the shuck are you on about?" I shouted. "I wasn't kissing Alby!!"

Gally sneered. "Well, thats what it looked like from here. He had his finger under your chin, and your head tilted up, murmuring something to you!"

I couldn't help it. I laughed. So did Alby.

Alby put an arm around my shoulders. "That's right Gally. I was kissing the shuck girl." We both laughed again, and Gally turned and ran, back into the trees.

Minho cleared his throat. "Erm.. Were you?"

Alby shook his head. "Gally saw us from the back. It may have looked like that, but I was checking her bruises." Alby explained.

Newt seemed to relax. "Good. Cus we couldn't have you bloody stary-eyed over the shuck girl when trying to lead us all."

We all laughed and went in, for the Gathering, but I was less excited now. Why was Gally acting like that? Was he really jelous, or just angry?

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