Chapter 7 - Alive

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"I dunno."

"You must do! You did it last time!"

"That was different! This is a shuck girl!"

"What difference does that make? Just tell me how to do it and I will do it myself!"

"Well, of course you would."

I didn't know what was happening. I had just woken up and I could feel people holding me down. I had an aching pain throughout my body, but I couldn't move.

Where was I? Why would people be holding me down?

The voices didn't make any sense either. I didn't know who was speaking, or what they were speaking about.

"Just do it now! Before she starts thrashing and screaming again!" I recognised that voice, but I didn't know who's it was. It just sounded so familiar.

"Gally, I can't."

Gally! It was Gally!

"Please." I heard him whisper.

"Sorry." The other voice said.

I felt the pressure on my arms being released, heard the footsteps of Gally walk across the room and slam the door behind him.

I still couldn't move or open my eyes, but I felt another kind of pain. A pain in my heart. A longing pain for Gally.

I felt somone brush my hair out of my face. "When are ya gonna wake up, Zoe?" He said gently, holding my hand. "When?" I couldn't place this voice,and it didnt sound that familiar to me.

He, too, then got up and left.

The person holding my legs let go and walked out of the room, too.

I lay still, listening. After a few minutes, I was pretty confident that I was alone.

I tried to open one eye. It wouldn't respond. I tried to open my other, and I could just see through my eyelashes.

I opened it a bit more, and then both of my eyes flew open. At first, the room was blurry, but I finally managed to work out that I was in some sort of medical room.

I sat up and looked around. I didn't recognise the room. I guessed it was sort of like a hospital. It looked very medical related.

I decided I didn't want to be sat down, so I stood up. At first, I had to cling onto the bed post because I felt so dizzy, but it soon subsided enough for me to see where I was walking.

I went out of the door and headed towards the stairs. I needed some fresh air.

I stepped on the first stair and the dizziness suddenly overwhelmed me. I couldn't see anything, and it felt as though something was pulling Mey body in all different easy and angles. I lunged for the handrail to stray myself, but over shot it, and I went tumbling down the stairs.

I screamed when I landed at the bottom with a bang. It felt as though I had fell on a huge spike, which was now stuck in my side.

I also had a pain above my left knee and on my forehead. It wasn't good.

On the bright side, the dizziness had gone.

"MED-JACKS!" Someone shouted from above me, causing me to wince in pain at how loud their voice was.

Their face swam into view, blurry and red around the edges.

I recognised it as Ben.

"Not a good idea." I muttered, and blacked out again.


I woke up to a dull throbbing all over my body. What had happened? How many times was I going to black out?

The memories them flooded back to me and I almost laughed. I had fallen down the stairs. How typical.

I must have twitched when thinking about that, because I heard a boy saying "Hey. Gally. Jai. Wake up. She moved."

Instantly, I felt two people take both of my hands.

"What did she do?" I heard Jai ask.

"Twitched her mouth, as though she was smiling." Someone replied. I couldn't place their voice.

I tried it again. I clearly worked. I heard all three people gasp and Gally said "Go get Newt, Alby and Minho!"

ne of the people exited the room and I had a brilliant plan. I opened my eyes and made a shushing noise to make the boys not cry out. Gally and Jai had stayed, and they were the ones that had grabbed my hands.

Gally crushed me with a hug. "I knew you wouldn't die!" He said, which made me pull away from him.

"What?" I asked.

"Well-" he started to explain, but I cut him off.

"One minute. Listen. I have a plan to scare Alby for grabbing me like that!"

The boys were all ears as I explained to the what we were going to do. It was a pretty good set up, and I was ready.

I pretended to still be unconcious, just as Newt, Minho and Alby walked in. It was all I could do to not burst out laughing right there and then, but I thought about the saddest things I could, and concentrated on the conversation the boys were having.

"Is she awake?" I heard Alby ask.

"No, but she twitched her mouth." Gally answered instantly.

"That's it?" I heard Newt sigh.

"Well, at least she isn't-"


There was silence as Gally pressed the hidden botton that made my heart- rate-machine-thingy say I was dead.

Gally and Jai were amazing actors.

"Oh my Gods!!" Gally shouted. "Alby, help her!"

"Do something!" Jai yelled.

I laid under the covers, trying not to laugh or move my chest up and down whilst breathing. It was very difficult.

I heard Newt swear under his breath, and sensed Alby leaning over me.

"I dunno what to do!" He yelled.

"DO SOMETHING!" Gally and Jai shouted together.

Minho was swearing loudly, too.

Alby took a deep breath, and I screamed.

My screams were mixed with Alby's, as he stood rigid with shock. Newt and Minho's yells were mixed with Jai, Gally and I's laughs.

"Welcome back, Zoe." Gally said, hugging me again.

I peered over his shoulder. "Alright there, Alby? Didn't hurt you too much did I?"

At first I thought Alby was going to punch me again, but then he laughed. He laughed and laughed. He didn't stop for a good few minutes.

"Okay. I'll give you that one. That was really good. You scared me soooo much!" He finally said,  pulling himself together and taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

Then we all laughed. Myself, Gally, Jai, Newt, Alby, Minho and the Med-Jack that I didn't know the name of.

I sighed. Looks like this wasn't such a bad place after all, even if I was stiched up because I had landed on some smashed glass, which stuck into my head and made me look like a Unicorn...

Yay life.

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