Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey ya'll! I am terribly sorry I haven't been active with this story. I've been having such big issues at home as well as school. Parents fighting, friends leaving me. I was depressed this past year. I was on the verge on deleting my Wattpad because I didn't have the motivation to write it anymore. But I decided that I will continue this story. So yeah, did anyone miss me? No? That's okay. Anyway, onto the story. Thanks so much for all your comments.

Until next time!

-Angie x


Chapter 5 (NOT EDITED)

~Liam's P.O.V~

It was the beginning of a new day, and still no sign of Harry. We're getting so anxious to find him. He's the youngest out of all of us, he is so vulnerable to be out in the open by himself. He's like a little brother to all of us. Who knows what could have happened to him right now. While I'm sitting all by myself in my chair, contemplating on other things that's going on in my mind, Louis and Niall came out of their tents.

"Where's breakfast?" Niall grumbles.

"Well, mornin' to you, too, Mr. Don't-talk-to-me-and-give-me-food." I smirked, knowing that our Nialler is probably starving.

"Morning, Liam." Louis says, grabbing a seat next to me and pulling out a water bottle from the esky. (A/N: I'm Australian so I'm just gonna use this word for 'ice boxes'. Don't judge me!)

"Morning, Lou. Sleep well?" I asked him. He took a sip of his water. "Yeah, fine, thanks, Li."

Niall came back with a bowl of some left-overs we had last night and joined us, sitting on another chair that was put out. All of us enjoying each others' company, but it ain't the same without our little Haz. We miss him so much. Our little brother whom we love dearly.

Niall decided to break the silence."So, we're continuing our search for Harry, eh?"

"Of course. We won't stop 'til we find him. I miss him." Louis pouted. See, Louis and Harry were very close. Have been since year 1 and were inseparable ever since. I can see why he's acting like this. Niall and I are holding it together, but it's hard, too.

"Once we're all done here, we can pack up camp and continue our search. I'm sure we can find some clues on Harry's disappearance. Don't worry, Lou." I said, patting his knee in assurance. Louis nodded, "Okay, let's get a move on."

We packed away our supplies and stacked them in our vehicle. I took the wheel, Louis is riding in shotgun holding binoculars and Niall is sitting in the back with some binoculars as well. Now we set forth on our search for our little brother.


After a good twenty minutes, we decided that we should go on foot for a bit. We bestowed on a lot of species of animals. Lots of birds, apes, also some elephants. Niall, Louis and I were observing our surroundings carefully, until Niall spotted something in the dirt.

"Guys! Come here!" Niall called, pointing to a footprint embedded in the mud. It wasn't an animal of some sort, it looked more like human. It was much bigger than Harry's though. Can this be... the white ape's footprint? I don't know. So much to find out.

"Hmm, can this belong to the white ape?" Louis questioned, practically reading my thoughts.

"I thought the same thing, too. It can be. Not too sure." I scratched the stubble under my chin. "You think the white ape somehow took Harry?"

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