Chapter 1

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A/N: Here's chapter 1 for all you lucky duckies! Hope you like it! Thank you to @sierra_luvs1D, @scissorluv27 and @Haticester for the feedback! :) xx

Stay gorgeous and beautiful!



Chapter 1

Harry's P.O.V

Driving through the African jungle in the evening, trying to find a nice spot to set up a campsite. My crew, which included Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Liam Payne, and I have decided to go to Africa because we wanted to see the gorillas, and that people are saying that a boy has been left here in the jungle, and was said to be the 'white ape'. That has caught my attention and it was my idea to come to Africa, to see this 'white ape', so hopefully we'll find him.

Finally, we found a perfect spot to set up camp. I turned off the engine of our Jeep and got out of it. The lads soon followed and helped me unload our bags. We set up a tent, and put our bags inside. Niall and Liam went to find some wood for the bonfire, while Louis and I set up some chairs for us to sit at the bonfire. Liam and Niall came back with a whole stack of wood. They placed some on the ground and Liam, being the organized one, grabbed his lighter from his pocket, placed some leaves on the wood and lit them up. Once there was a bonfire, we sat in our seats in front of it and just stared at it.

"So, guys, what are we doing tomorrow?" I asked them, breaking the silence.

"Um... we don't know yet. We'll think of something though," Louis replied. I replied by nodding. I checked my watch to see the time. It read 8:30pm. After about 5 minutes, Niall got up from his chair and said, "Guys, I'm feeling tired. I'm going to sleep. I'll see you in the morning." He yawned and walked into the tent.

"Think I'm going to go as well. Night, boys," Liam said, yawning and heading to the tent as well. Then, there was just me and Louis.

"I wonder if we'll ever find this 'white ape'," I said, breaking the silence.

"I hope so, too," Louis said, but then yawned, stretching his arms.

"Lou, we better go to sleep," I said, getting off my seat and walked over to Louis. "Come on." I held out my hand for him, and he gladly took it, and I hoisted him up from his chair. We walked in the tent and found Liam and Niall sleeping peacefully in the sleeping bags. I walked to my sleeping bag and slipped into it, pulling it over my body. I was sleeping next Louis, Liam was sleeping next to him and Niall was on the end.

"Night, Harry," Louis says.

"Night, Lou,' I say, and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning, only finding Louis sleeping next to me, and Liam and Niall weren't here. I got out of my sleeping bag, got changed into some safari clothes and went outside, to find Liam cooking something in the fire, which I'm guessing is sausages and bacon, and Niall was sitting in his chair, staring at nothing in particular. I walked over to them and mumbled my good morning's to them and they said it back.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I asked them.

"We don't know, Harry. We still haven't came up with anything," Niall says. Liam didn't say anything because he was busy cooking the food. I replied with a nod.

"Well, I'm going to go for a walk, and just have a look around," I say.

"No, Harry. We can't afford to lose you," Liam says, turning on his Dad mode.I groaned, hating it when he does that. I mean, he isn't my dad, but he's only doing this just to protect me.

"Liam, what's the problem? I'm just going for a walk, that's all," I said.

"But, Harry..." Liam started.

"But, Liam..." I mimicked him. I gave him my best puppy-dog face.

He groaned before saying, "Okay, Harry. You can go, but make sure to come back." I nodded and headed into the jungle.

As I was walking, I saw some chimps in the trees. They were just so cute! I walked deeper and found some other monkeys, but couldn't identify what they were. I took some pictures on my phone, so I could show the boys when I get back. I walked more and more, taking some more pictures along the way until I came to an open space. There were some more monkeys in the trees, so I took more pictures. The sound of my camera clicking made something in the bushes move and growl quietly.

I stopped and looked around the area. I started to get a bit scared and petrified. I mean, who knows what would be behind those bushes. A low growl scared me again, but it stopped. I sighed in relief, my hand resting on my chest, feeling my heart beat normally.

Suddenly, the loud growl erupted and a lion jumped from the bushes. It made eye contact with me. Now, I felt scared because a fucking lion was in front of me! Well, not really in front of me, it was about 10 metres away from me. I started backing away from it, but it walked forward every time I took a step back. I didn't want to run because it would just pounce on me and attack me. I walked backwards until my back made contact with a huge rock that was behind me. The lion came closer and I felt like this is it.

"Oh, no," I whimpered.

The lion walked more closer, and he stopped about 3 metres in front of me. He licked his lips, indicating that he's going to kill and eat me. He walked to me again and stopped, being interrupted by a Tarzan-like call.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!" The voice called. I looked up to where the sound had come from and there he was, swinging on a vine towards me and the lion, it was the 'white ape'. He swung past the lion and me and collided into a tree. The lion walked towards the tree where the 'white ape' was, and he fell from the tree, landing on the lion.

I quickly ran and hid behind a boulder, and watched the scene that was happening. The 'white ape' and lion circled each other.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. Meow!" He says. The lion growled and ran towards him. Luckily, the man dodged him.

"Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo," he says, in a monkey tone, which meant something like, 'Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.' The lion charged at him and pinned down the man, with his mouth open. Luckily, the man held the lion's mouth.

"When lion brush last?" The 'white ape' asked the lion. He rolled the lion over and was now on top of him. The lion, surprisingly, tickled the man.

"Don't tickle!" He says, laughing. The lion then smacked his face, and I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand. He then punched the lion and got up quickly, running towards a tree.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!" He called again. He ran to the tree and waited for the lion to charge at him again. The lion started running towards him and the man ran to the lion. He held out his arm and knocked the lion out. I looked at him, confusion written over my face. He turned to me and winked. I blushed like mad.

He picked up the lion, held him above his head and spun around. I moved my head, following the movement of the man spinning the lion. He then spun the lion on his finger and looked at me again.

"Zayn not even trying hard," he says. I cocked my eyebrow to the side and just looked at him. He threw the lion to the ground and landed on top of him. He got off the lion and said, "Bad kitty." He dragged the lion into the bushes by his mane.

I stepped away from the boulder and looked around, making sure it was gone. Then, the lion reappeared from the bushes and ran towards me, but was saved by someone carrying me and swinging on a vine. I held onto him tightly and turned to face him. I then realized that I dropped my camera.

"That was close one," he says looking at me. He didn't pay any attention to what he was doing and I turned around, a tree trunk in front of us.

"Aahh! Watch out for that tree!" I shouted to get his attention. He turned towards what I was looking at, but my head hit the trunk and I passed out after that.


A/N: Hope you guys like it!! I love you all, lucky duckies!

Stay gorgeous and beautiful!!


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