Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey, duckies! Here's Chapter 2! Sorry for the wait. I celebrated Easter today. Yes, I know Easter passed already, but in my religion, we celebrate it after the first Easter, so our Easter is in May.

Thank you for all your comments! You don't know how much it means to me when I'm getting all your feedback! I love you all!!

Stay gorgeous and beautiful! :) xx



Chapter 2

Liam's P.O.V

Harry isn't back yet. He's been gone for nearly 20 minutes, and me and the boys were starting to get a bit worried.

"Guys, Harry isn't back yet," I said, turning to them.

"Yeah, he's been gone for a while now. I'll go find him," Louis says, getting up from his chair.

"Thanks, Lou," I replied, smiling.

Louis' P.O.V

I got up from my chair and walked into the jungle to find Harry. I passed some trees and spotted some chimpanzees. They were just adorable!! I mean, who doesn't love them?

Anyway, I walked further into the jungle and came to an empty space. I looked around, hoping to find Harry, but he isn't here. I searched the bushes and he wasn't found, until I felt something hit my foot. I looked down and it was Harry's camera.

I picked it up and ran back to the camp site.

"Boys, I found Harry's camera," I said, holding it in front of their faces.

"But did you find Harry?" Niall asks.

"No, Niall," I say, annoyed and rolling his eyes.

"Ok, listen, we'll look for him tomorrow. Hopefully, he didn't go too far," Liam says.

"Ok," Niall and I said in unison.

Harry's P.O.V

I heard the sound of some type of bird calling, waking me up from my sleep. I groaned, not wanting to get out of bed. Wait! Bed?? How did I get into bed? Usually, I slept on a sleeping bag next to the lads.

Oh! I couldn't remember most things, but the only thing I knew was that a lion tried to eat me, but I was saved by the 'white ape'.

I woke up, stretching my arms and yawning, and sat on the bed. I looked around the room, until I found an open doorway. I slowly crept out of the bed, placing my feet on the ground, when an ape came walking in an apron and a tray.

I stood there, my mouth hanging down like an 'O' and just stared at the ape.

"Hello there. I was just about to give you your breakfast. Would you like it now?" The ape asked.

"Ummm... Y-yeah, o-ok," I stuttered. He gave the tray to me and I sat on the bed. On the tray, there was a plate with eggs, bacon and star fruit. And on the side was fresh squeezed orange juice.

"Thank you," I replied.

"You're welcome," the ape says. I couldn't believe I was talking to an ape, who talks!

"Um... You can talk," I said.

"Yes, I do. Never seen an ape talk before?" He said, smiling. He sat down on a stool next to the bed.

"No. Well, the only thing I hear from apes are grunting noises, if you know what I mean," I replied.

"Yes, I do. Anyway, you eat up now," he says.

I grabbed a fork that was placed on the tray and started eating the eggs and bacon. I must say, that ape can cook well! This is actually delicious. I ate the starfruit and they were nice and sweet. (A/N: I don't know what starfruit tastes like, but my friend told me that they were sweet, so yeah)

I placed the fork back on the tray once I was finished and thanked the ape. He took the tray and headed into the kitchen, I think.

I laid my head on the pillow and just stared at the ceiling. I bet the lads will wonder where I am, and that they're extremely worried.

That thought escaped my mind when I heard the call again.


I looked up from the exit of the tree house and saw the 'white ape', holding a big load of bananas. He walked towards me, but the feathery carpet made him trip and land face first on the ground. He threw the bananas, stood up and spit some feathers out of his mouth.

"Feeling better, fella?" He asked me. I blushed like mad. Wait! I shouldn't be blushing. I just met the guy, and I'm straight.

"I'm feeling a bit better, thanks," I replied and stood up from the bed. I took in some of his features. He had dark raven hair falling against his face (A/N: You know what hairstyle I'm talking about with Zayn), nice olive skin, beautiful brown eyes that shined in the sun, nice cheekbones, his not-very-thick stubble and an incredible six-pack. He wore nothing but a butt flap, covering his regions and butt.

He was so beautiful!! What?! I couldn't like him! I zoned out a bit when I heard clicking.

"You okay?" He asks. I shook my head and was faced with the man's brown eyes.

"Yes, I'm very fine," I say, but then fainted on the floor.

Zayn's P.O.V

That fella fainted in front of me on the floor, after Zayn asked him if he was okay. Zayn pulled him onto Zayn's lap, his head resting on Zayn's chest and Zayn's arm supporting his back.

Ape came in and asked what happened. Zayn replied, "The fella fainted."

Ape grabbed a bowl of water and a towel. Zayn soaked the towel in the water and dabbed it on his forehead.

"Is there something weird about this fella?" Zayn asks Ape.

"Nothing is wrong with him, Zayn. He's a man, the same species as you, and there's also a woman, which is the female," Ape replied. Zayn finished dabbing the fella's head and put the towel back in the bowl.

"So, you mean, Ape and Zayn not brothers?" Zayn asked him.

"Well, since you were raised by apes, you could say we're related. After all, we are primate brothers," Ape says.

"Primate family. Brothers," Zayn say, holding out Zayn's hand for Ape to shake. Ape gladly took it and shook hands with Zayn. The fella started moving, so Zayn picked him up and laid him on the bed.

Harry's P.O.V

I felt myself being carried and was placed onto the bed, which I'm guessing, sine it was comfy. I then felt something wet lick my face. I stirred and woke up, only to be faced with the same brown eyes.

"What are you called?" He asks me.

"Harry. Harry Styles. You?" I said.

"Zayn. Zayn Primate," he replies. "And that my brother, Ape Primate." He points to the talking ape.

"I'm going to fall sleep again. I feel tired," I say.

"Ok. You sleep," Zayn says. He pulled the covers until it reached my chin and left the room, along with the ape.

He is so sexy! Wait! Harry, you shouldn't be thinking like this. You're as straight as a ruler! You only met him today and you started to like him. Oh, what am I saying? Better to go asleep, and maybe these thoughts will go away.

Unfortunately, Zayn was haunting my dreams. Urgh!! Why are you doing this to me?


A/N: Hope you guys liked it!! Make sure to comment, fan and vote. I love you all!

Stay gorgeous and beautiful, duckies. <3


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