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I stared at my phone, watching the girl of my dreams mess with her bandmates. She poured water on them and bounced away, light as a feather. Her laugh rang in my ears and her wide grin made my heart flutter. She was so beautiful. But she was also far away from me. All the way in America, across that stupid ocean.

"Taemin?" I heard my mother call from the kitchen. I locked my phone, setting it on my bed before walking out of my room. "Yes, mother?" I asked as I saw her. "Please set the table." I nodded and grabbed plates and chopsticks from the kitchen and set them perfectly on our rectangular table.

Her smile was still in my mind and I smiled to myself. Anthea was her name, the holy Greek/American goddess I fell in love with. She was the youngest in Sealed Locket, my favorite band.

I've been studying very hard in English, so if I ever meet her in real life, we'll be able to talk. Before I knew of her, English was a chore. Now it was an opportunity, an open door. To her, my love.

I finished setting the table and walked back into the kitchen. "I got a call from your counsiler today." My mom said and I leaned on the counter to face her. "What did he say?" I asked curiously.

"He said with your high English grade and your other academic grades, you could study abroad this summer."

My eyes widened. "I could???"

She nodded her head and smiled. "Even to America. Maybe you could meet that girl you like so much." She teased and laughed.

My heart fluttered. Could I really study abroad? Go to America and meet Anthea? "Thanks for telling me, umma." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

After dinner I do my homework excitedly and I'm able to sleep after.

The following morning, I find my hyung, Jinki, and tell him about me studying abroad. He advised that I go straight to the counsiler and I do.

I walked up to the dark wooden door and knock. I hear a muffled voice telling me to come in. I walked in and sat down, waiting for him to finish his paperwork. He takes 3 whole long minutes. I listened to the clock intently, tapping my finger on my knee.

"What's your name?" The counsiler finally asked.

"Lee Taemin." I said and he nodded.

"Ah, yes. Have you come to talk to me about studying abroad?"

"Yes, sir. I would like to study in America."

He took out his glasses, looked through some folders before finding the paper he wanted. He looked at it closely before sliding it across to me. "You have four choices. You can study in New York, LA, Seattle or Atlanta. You don't have to decide right now. I suggest doing some research on each University and seeing what they have to offer. See which one suits you best."

I took the paper, glanced at the schools before looking up. "Thank you sir." I grinned.

He nodded, my cue to leave and I almost floated out of the room, I was so happy. New York was a choice! That's where Anthea lives. Hopefully the university will suit me so I can go there.

Class was boring, but I managed to get some notes down, and filled out my planner with important dates. When this was due, a quiz, a test.

When I got home, I researched the University of New York. The sight I found was in English but I recognized most of the words and decided to take the American History class and more English classes. It's not the most interesting thing but it's better than old Korean History. I've learned about that my whole entire life. It's time for something new.

I turned off my computer and my lights, climbing into bed. I looked out my window and looked out across Seoul. I would definitely miss Korea, but I would love America even more. Pulling my knees to my chest, I think of Anthea. She's so beautiful. Will I really get the chance to meet her?


The following weeks were torture. I had to wait at least a month until I got on that plane to America. I spent most of my time studying harder, but as each day passed, my restless heart grew more nervous and doubtful. There was no way I was going to meet Anthea in a city like New York. It's too big, too many people. Why had I been so naive? Stupid, stupid Taemin. She's also a star, and you, you're just a piece of sand.

I almost backed out of the trip, to stay in my room and wither away. But I didn't want to let my mother down so I never said anything. I just waited for the day I board the plane and leave everything I've ever known behind.

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