A small fight

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"Rude?! Do I look like I care about being rude?!" I chuckled. "You are really started to get on my nerves!" I yelled with a glare.
"Oh...I'm sorry, Princess....but not everyone is perfect...not even angels," Nick smiled.
"If I had no self control....I'd slap that smile right off your face..." I glared daggers into his skull hoping he'd burst into flames.
"Maybe if you glare harder my face will melt," Nick smiled wider.
"Oh, I hope so...." I smirked.

"CLASS, TAKE YOU SEATS!" Mrs. Kimberly came in yelling.
After everyone scrambled to their seats, Mrs. Kimberly spoke again....more of yelled.
"Mr. Jones isn't here today because of doctor appointments....and so today I will be your home room teacher," groans and moans scattered throughout the classroom.
"Enough! I will not put up with complaining. Mr. Jones gave me the assignments you are to do today, and he told me for you all to hold on to yesterday's assignment until he returns tomorrow," Mrs. Kimberly yelled writing on the board.

"Pssst......Sarah....." I heard Nick whisper beside me.
"What!?" I whisper yelled at him without looking over.
"Wanna hang out today?" He whispered back as Mrs. Kimberly started to blab about the upcoming sports events.
"What? Why would I want to hang out with you?" I whispered rolling my eyes.
"Because...obviously you need a friend," Nick whispered smiling.
"How do I know your not tricking me?" I raised a brow at him.
"Oh, come on! I give you my word..." He smiled.
"Fine...but trick me and I'll beat you up for it!" I yelled whispered.
"Haha...ok," he chuckled quietly then the bells rang.

"So...we have history next...how fun....." Nick sighed as we walked to our lockers.
"I'm surprised people aren't crowding you right now......" I said looking around.
"I told every one I didn't like it.....so they left me alone," Nick smirked opening his locker.
"Wow....I bet there was a lot of disappointment in the school...haha!" I laughed.
"Yeah...a few people didn't get it so I ran and hid for a while..." Nick said closing his locker.
"Haha...let me guess....Tiffany, Brit, Howard, Kale, Brianne, and Tommy..." I smirked.
"Yeah...good guess..." Nick smiled.
"Haha! It wasn't that hard since they are the 'popular' kids in the school...well, more of the stuck ups," I stated.
"So I'm guessing that's a hint to stay away from them?" Nick raised a brow.
"Yep...all they do is bully people cos they think they're better then everyone just cos they're rich people..." I rolled my eyes." Speaking of which...a good example of them being idiots just look to your right..." I said pointing to the group of "Populars" surrounding a nerdy girl.
"Is any one going to help that girl?" Nick frowned.
"Everyone is afraid to....unless you're me...." I stated walking around Nick toward the "Populars".

"Hey, Lozers! What's up?" I smirked while walking in front of the nerdy girl.
"Who you calling Loozers, Loozer?" Howard yelled.
"Oh, just the group of Idiots thats standing in front of me..." I smirked looking at my nails.
"Oh, that's it!!" Kale jumped forward, but Howard and tommy held him back.
"Kale, don't...you'll just get beat up again..." I said acting like I cared about his well being.
"You little!!!-" Kale jumped forwards again just to be held back again.
"Don't waste your time, Babe....She's not worth it..." Brit said pushing Kale back and glaring at me.
"Oh, how sad....to had your prissy girlfriend hold you back...." I chuckle."Honestly, you all are so pathetic..." I said crossing my arms.
"Ok..That's it!" Howard yelled throwing a punch at me.

Which I easily dodged making him punch the lockers behind me...luckily, the nerdy girl was gone already. He threw another punch which I dodged again making him punch Kale in the face this time. I chuckled at him the kicked his butt making him fall on his face. Tommy, out of all of them, wasn't stupid enough to try to hit me, instead, he helped Kale stand to his feet while the girls started screaming like little babies.
After getting up off the floor, Kale tried to punch me from behind...and of course I dodged making him hit Howard who was trying to get up.

Right before kale tried to hit again, Principle Jackson and mrs. Kimberly showed up.
"What on earth is going on here?!" Jackson yelled out looking at the Beaten up guys and me.
"They were bullying Daniella so I butted in then Kale tried hitting me but was held back then Howard tried hitting me and I dodged it then he tried hitting me again and I dodged it...." I said then started laughing." So he hit....hahaha...kale in the face...then I kicked Howard in the butt making him fall.......haha...then kale tried hitting me...." I rolled my eyes." Which I dodged making him hit Howard thus making both enraged males end up on the floor....then you showed up," I said with a small laugh at the end.

And of course, everyone just stared at me in disbelief...well...almost everyone...Nick was standing behind everyone smirking his butt off.
"What?" I said smirking.
"You....." Jackson said pointing to me.
"What about me?" I raised a brow.
"Sticking up for some one....being honest...." Jackson crossed his arms then smiled.
"Is that a bad thing?" I asked quietly.
"No...just rare.....for you," Jackson smiled."As for you six......to my office now...." Jackson said sternly to the "Populars".

After they left, Nick walked up to me with a smirk on his face.
"What?" I raised a brow at him.
"Oh, nothing..." He smiled.

Author's note:
Sooooo soo sooooooo sorrrry that I didn't update!!! 😓
I've been a lil busy, and this year has been complicated...😔
but I promise to try to update sooner this time! Soo....hope you enjoyed reading! 😌
Remember to keep your imagination alive!!!!!😘✨

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