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"Nick?" I stared in confusion. "Yeah..." He smiled sheepishly. I slapped him across the face then hugged him. "You scared me." I whispered. "Always so bipolar." he chuckled, hugging me back. "I don't understand though... Why are you here and not fighting with your kind?" I asked, looking up at him. "Long story short, after what happened at thee cabin, Gabriel stuck me in a library in heaven to do some research... I was supposed to look for ways to stop the war, but I didn't listen and looked for ways to bring you back." He smirked. 

"I influenced you to rebel too much." I shook my head. "I wasn't finished." he chuckled. "I asked permission to be here, but I didn't really share all of my intentions. I told Gabriel I was here to protect the humans who weren't going to fight, but it wasn't entirely true. I also came here to get you back." he smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. "Sneaky Angel." I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Technically, I haven't done anything wrong." he shrugged. "Right." I rolled my eyes. "You do know how much bad juju it takes to summon a demon, and I bet it take a lot more to summon a goddess." I smirked. "So? It was for a good cause." he smiled. "Yeah, sure." I laughed. "We just ignoring the sky is falling around us. It's normal." I smiled. "I think whatever happened stopped now though." he looked around. "Yeah, but look at all the wreckage." I frowned. "What happened?" I questioned, backing away from Nick and looking around. "I don't know... Give me a second." he paused and closed his eyes. "Haha, angel radio." I laughed quietly, remembering that angels can communicate with each other through thoughts. "I'm not getting any feedback from Gabriel." He frowned, opening his eyes. "That's not good." I mumbled. "Breaker, Breaker, Angel Radio, please reply." I smirked. "This is serious. He always replies no matter what he's doing." Nick glared slightly. "Oh... uh, maybe he's sleeping?" I raised a brow. "Unlikely." he sighed. "Good gracious, what are you two doing out here?" Jones yelled, running out of the Hide Out after opening the door. "Uh, Nick... You... uh, what happened?" Jones frowned in confusion. "It's ok, Jones. She needed to find out eventually." Nick stated calmly. "Ok, so, no problems with each other then?" he raised a brow. "We're good." I smiled over at Nick. "Ok, good." Jones sighed in relief. "What are you doing out here?!" he yelled. "Uh, well, haha..." I laughed looking over at Nick. "We've been out here since last night." Nick stated calmly, as he looked around. "Are you kidding me? Daiven and I have been looking all over for you two thinking something happened!" Jones stressed. "Jones, we're fine." I smiled. "Thanks for tell us where you were." Daiven glared from the doorway of the Hide Out. "Sorry?" I shrugged. "You two need to be watched 24/7... I swear, I'm losing my hair from all this stress." Jones sighed, walking back into the Hide Out. "We aren't kids, Jones." I rolled my eyes. "Might as well be..." he muttered, walking away. "Just... tell some one where you guys go before hand. When the sky started falling we locked up thinking every one was inside. What if you got hurt and we didn't know where you were?" Daiven scolded. "Daiven, we're fine. We got each other's backs, and neither of us are weak and defenseless." I smirked. "Even though... I still think you should have told me who you were from the beginning." I shot a small glare at Nick. "Sorry, Babe. It was for your protection and mine." he smiled innocently. "Course, it was." I rolled my eyes, then sat down and watch the fire burning the fields around us. "I'm still not getting anything from Gabriel." he sighed, sitting down beside me. "Does that mean you need to see what's happening up there?" I questioned, looking up at the sky. "Yes..." he sighed. "I'll be back as quick as I can." he stated, kissed my forehead. "Be careful." I closed my eyes and opened them to see him gone. "You need to come back inside for now, Sarah." Daiven stated. "I'll be there in a minute... I just need a second to myself." I sighed heavily and hugged my knees. "Ok... Don't stay out here alone for too long and be careful." he stated, as I hear him walk away and shut the door to the Hide Out.

"So, you know about Tommy now?" I turn to see Kale sitting down beside me. "Yeah..." I sighed. "what are you doing out here?" I raised a brow at him. "Getting some air, but now that I see what happened out here... maybe the air is cleaner inside the Hide Out." he chuckled lightly. "Just a little." I laughed. "This whole thing is crazy." He muttered, looking down at the ground. "It's life, Kale. It's always been crazy." I stated. "I know, but this is insanity." he sighed heavily. "You know... I tried getting back to my parents' house when it started... I watched a demon pull my dad apart then throw him to a bunch of hell hounds." Kale glared. "I'm sorry that happened..." I frowned at him. "I couldn't even move when it happened. My mom tried grabbing me and running, but my body wouldn't move..." he closed his eyes. "She died trying to get me to run... if it wasn't for Tommy, I'd be dead too." he muttered. "What do you mean?" I raised a brow. "They didn't tell you?" he frowned at me. "I convinced Tommy to come with me to find my parents and his... but, he died to save me from the demon who killed my parents." he explained. "That's why... Brit broke up with me, and every one treats me differently." he sighed. "They blame you for what happened... but it wasn't your fault." I stated. "If I hadn't convinced Tommy to come with me, he'd be alive. I'd be the dead one. He'd be okey... It was my fault." He glared at me. "And you know what? I'll tell you a secret. I didn't move, not because I was afraid, but because I wanted to watch." he confessed. "I hated my dad. You have no idea how much I wanted him dead. I know that it's terrible to say that, but you don't know how horrible of a father he was to me. He deserved to die, but my mom and Tommy... they didn't." He frowned, as tears fell. "Why are you telling me this, Kale?" I questioned. "Because, it was my fault and I'm tired of keeping secrets from people." he stated, rubbing his face. "Why aren't you telling Brit or Howard this though?" I asked calmly. "They hate me. That's why." he groaned. "Kale, they don't hate you. They mad, but you're all friends." I smiled sadly at him. "How do you know?" He glared. "Because, they tell me all the time how mad they are at you for being reckless, but they still care." I stated. "Really?" he raised a brow. "Oh, yeah. Especially Brit, she doesn't shut up about it." I laughed. "Wow." he chuckled. "Anyway..." he sighed. "While I'm just throwing secrets out, I have one more to tell you." he stated, looking at the ground. "Ok, what?" I raised a brow. "Back when we went to school... I never hated you." he muttered. "I guess I was just afraid. I had a lot of anger built up from all the stuff my dad did, and I guess I just took it out on other people." He frowned at me. "It's ok, Kale. Everyone has flaws they need to take care of and accept." I smiled. "Wow, forgiving just like that?" he chuckled. "I try not to hold unnecessary grudges." I shrugged. "Seems legit." he laughed. "Anyway... I'm going inside. See ya at Lunch time." he waved, standing up and walking inside. "See ya." I muttered, looking up at the cloudy sky.

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