Forbidden love and Unforgivable words

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This was a shock. We only met three days ago, and he claims he love me? Naïve, young angels are so naïve.
"That's flattering, Nick, but last time I checked... angels and demons are forbidden to be together. Heck, I shouldn't even be here." I smile sadly at him. "I don't care about that, but I do care about you." He stated grabbing my hand and staring deeply into my eyes. "That's dangerous..." I muttered. "Unfortunately, Nick, she's right. In fact, now that she is able to walk, it's time for her to leave." Gabriel said calmly. "Then I'm leaving with her." Nick announced sternly not looking away from me. "Nick, you're being naïve." I scoffed. "You shouldn't give up what you have here for a demon... besides, you don't understand what love really is." I stated trying to convince him not to leave with me. He stared at me a bit shocked by my words. I could see hurt in his eyes. "Are you saying you don't want me to be with you?" He asked. "Yes, that's what I'm saying. I'm a demon. You're an angel. We don't go together. We're opposites. I'm a creature from hell, and you're from heaven. The only collision our kinds have is war and hatred. I honestly think you're annoying, and you're kindness is sickening. I don't want to be around you. You should have just let me die back there in the forest because I don't care about you." I said harshly pointing at his chest. "Sarah..." he stared at me as his eye glistened with tears. He let go of me then turned away with disappointment and hurt in his eyes. "May I be dismissed?" He mumbled quietly. "You may." Gabriel sighed. Nick hastily walked out of the room without another words. I flinched slightly when the doors slammed shut from him pushing them open. I sighed heavily and looked at the floor with a frown. "You know I hated to lie to him like that..." I whispered. "I know, but he wouldn't understand the consequences if he was to leave with you. It would cost him his life if he continues to love you." Gabriel frowned. "Send me home. I don't need to be here anymore..." I requested. "Very well then. I bid you farewell." Gabriel stated raising his hand. "Take care of Nick... I think I just broke him." I smiled sadly. "I always have taken care of him." Gabriel grinned before a flash of light appeared and I was in my house back on earth. Please don't make me regret that. I prayed mentally to myself.
I lazily walked towards my bedroom, but quickly remembered that Kiki needs food. "Kiki! Baby! I'm so sorry!" I said picking her up as she rubbed her head on my foot. "Did you miss me?" I asked scratching her head. "I did." A voice boomed from in my kitchen. I walked around the corner and froze in shock. "Daiven... I uh, didn't expect to see you, haha." I laughed nervously. "I've been worried. Adam told me you were taken by an angel." He said standing up from the chair he was sitting in. "Uh, about that...." I avoided eye contact. "What happened? Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" He questioned with a serious gaze. "N-no. Um, I refused Demin's offer, and he attacked me.... the angel was actually helping me." I stated. "Demin did what?" He growled stopping inches away from me. "I'm fine though. Really!" I faked a bright smile. "Tell me what happened, Sarah. You know I'll take care of whoever dares to harm you." He said grabbing my shoulders as Kiki jumped out of my hands. I hissed at the slight pain from the injury I had, but quickly smiled again. "Daiven, I'm fine. Just a few bumps and bruises." I lied. "Sarah, don't lie to me." He frowned hugging me. "Really... I'll be ok..." I said trying to convince myself of something that obviously wasn't true.
Don't go jumping to conclusions. Daiven is just a friend to me, a best friend to be honest. I can be vulnerable around him and still feel safe. He was one of the only other demons who actually wanted out of the stupid war between the angels and demons. Also like me, he was powerful and chooses not to fight, but won't hesitate to defend someone he cares about.
"Sarah, tell me what happened please." He whispered looking me in the eye. I frowned and looked away. "I don't wanna talk about it... I'm tired, and I'm honest in pain, physically and emotionally. I just wanna feed my cat then take a hot shower and sleep." I muttered. "Alright. How about you go and shower then... I feed Kiki, and I bet you're hungry too. I'll cook you something to eat, alright?" He said calmly. "Ok..." I mumbled with a sigh. "Go shower. I'll bring you your food after." He stated kissing my forehead lightly then walking towards the cabinets and getting out Kiki's food. I sighed again then slowly walked into my room then got out some clean clothes. I put them on my bed then walked into the bathroom and slipped off the clothes I was wearing. I turned on the shower then waited for the water to get warm. I slowly got in while hissing at the pain from the cuts I still had. Everything honestly hurt still, and it's starting to worry me. I washed up then got out and rapped a towel around me. I wiped the foggy mirror and gazed at my horrid appearance. I had a scar on my forehead and my shoulder was all bruised. I moved the towel to see my sides bruised from the broken ribs. I looked terrible, and I felt it too. I sighed rapping myself up again then walking into my bedroom. I got dressed then towel dried by hair. I laid back on my bed and sighed heavily. I feel horrible. I thought. "I hope you don't mind having mac and cheese cause that was the only thing that you had." Daiven stated walking with a bowl in his hand. "It's fine..." I muttered tiredly sitting up. "Do you want me to stay? Or do you need time to yourself?" He asked handing me the bowl from freshly cooked mac and cheese. "It's ok. You can go." I said quietly then took a bite. "Ok. I'll wash those dishes for you then I have to have a talk with Demin... Call me if you need anything." He kissed my forehead then left the room. I sighed again then slowly at the mac and cheese. After I finished, I put the bowl on my nightstand then got underneath my covers and snuggled into my pillows. I laid there for a few moments before drifting off to sleep.
I stood in the middle of a large room with lights pointing at me in every direction. "You traitor!" "This is your fault!" "He's gone because of you!" "Murderer!" "You should be executed for this!" Voices boomed. I saw flashes of images. People dead, blood everywhere, the city burning, and demons roaming around. I held my head as pain throbbed then I felt as if someone was grabbing my neck. I couldn't breath. I opened my eyes to start into dark brown ones. It was Gabriel. "This is your fault! This is your punishment!" His voice boomed at me.
I shot up in my bed and gasped for air. "A d-dream?" I looked around to see that everything was normal. I sighed heavily and rubbed my face then slowly got out of bed. "I need some water..." I muttered to myself and walked lazily to the kitchen. "Looks like someone is having trouble sleeping." Someone said behind me. I spun around to see Adam standing in the door way to the kitchen. "What are you doing here?" I sighed. "Just checking on my favorite girl." He grinned walking towards me. "Right." I rolled my eyes. "I did warn you that Demin wasn't going to be happy..." he whispered with a frown. "Yeah, I know..." I muttered. "But I came here to tell you that Demin is dead." He said calmly. "What? Did Daivien—" he cut me off before I finished. "No... by the time Daiven got there, Demin was already dead... no one knows who killed him, but it wasn't a demon." Adam stated. "Angels, maybe?" I suggested. "Nope. There wasn't any sign of them there..." he shook his head. "Humans?" I questioned. "Could be." Adam crossed his arms. "That would mean..." I paused. "A huge war is beginning... with angels, humans, and demons." Adam stated. "I'd say skip town as soon as you can if you want to avoid it... cause if they got to Demin then they're gonna go after the strongest first and take us out one by one before the armies assemble in groups." He added. "I don't have anywhere to go." I frowned. "I have a cabin in the woods out in Ohio." Adam smiled. "It would be a place to lie low for awhile." He stated. "You'd let me stay there?" I raised a brow. "You know I've always helped out when you let me." He winked. "Haha. True." I laughed lightly. "Thanks." I smiled faintly. "No problem, Sarah." He pulled something out of his pocket then put it in my hand. "Here's the key. Don't wreck the place." He winked. "As if." I rolled my eyes. "Here's the location of the cabin. No one knows where it is, but me... though, I'll probably tell Daiven so he knows where you are." Adam stated writing down the address then handing me the paper. "That would be great. I owe you one." I smiled. "You could give me a peck on the cheek and call it even." Adam grinned. "You're so weird." I sighed then laughed slightly. "So that's a no?" He smirked. "Not happening." I smiled. "Haha. Ok. Just... stay safe." He said frowning. "I'll try." I sighed. He left without another word and I started to pack the things I needed.
"Ok, Kiki. We're gonna go on a little trip." I stated picking her up. She meowed at me as I put her in her cage then I grabbed my bags and headed out. I had looked up the address on my phone and followed the gps to fly there. Of course, being a demon, it took me only a few hours to get to the cabin. I pulled the key out of my pocket after putting my stuff down by the door. I unlocked the door then grabbed everything and went inside. I let Kiki out of her cage then headed towards the first bedroom. I put my things in it then walked into the kitchen. I opened the cabinets to see them jam packed with food and a sticky note on the cabinet door. "Thought you'd want some food to munch on. Don't eat it all in one day. ~Adam" I laughed slightly at the note then took out something to snack on. I got a bowl then filled it with cat food and set it on the floor for Kiki then plopped on the small couch in the living room area and munched on some chips. "Well, looks like Ima be laying low for a while..." I sighed leaning my head back. "So much fun." I stated sarcastically to no one. I pulled my phone out then turned on some music cause the silence was kinda boring.

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