Hush Little Demon

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"So let me do literally nothing after school." Nick chuckled as we walked down the road.
"Yeah...I usually just go home, feed my cat, do homework, laundry, eat, then chill on my couch till I fall asleep." I stated balancing on small wall separating the side walk and the forest.
"Sounds.....boring." Nick laughed.
"Oh, it is..." I sighed.
"Oh, Saaaarrrraaaaah!" I heard Adam's voice sound from behind me.
"Uuuuuugh!" I groaned.
"Who was that?" Nick asked as he and I turned around.
"Sarah! Demin wants to see yoooouuu!" Adam sang landing on the ground in front of me.
"If I said no to you, wouldn't he think I would say no to him as well?" I sighed crossing my arms.
"Well....I told him that, know Demin....extremely stubborn." Adam chuckled.
"Well, I'm more stubborn than he is...and my answer to whatever he wants me to do for him is no." I stated then started walking away.
"He's not going to be very happy about that!" Adam groaned floating away.
"How sad for him..." I mumbled.
"Who was that?" Nick asked walking beside me.
"Oh, just some demon wanting me to join him and his pals....of course, I always say no." I stated smirking.

"Why don't you join them? I mean, wouldn't you want to be with your own kind?" Nick questioned.
"Nope! I'm fine being by myself. I honestly don't need demons or angels telling me what to do...besides, I don't mind being normal for once." I smiled slightly.
"Normal? As in like a human." Nick raised a brow.
"I guess...well, not exactly. More of, I don't won't have to deal with the war and stuff between the demons and angels." I stated quietly.
"Hmmm." Nick hummed in response."so you're planing to graduate high school?" Nick smiled.
"Yep! Possibly even go to college. It depends on how things work out." I stated as I continued walking on the wall with Nick on the side walk beside me.
"I might go to college after this... I don't know yet. Depends on if they call be know, back up there." Nick stated pointing towards the sky.
"Do you want to go back?" I asked quietly.
"Yes and mentor lives up there. He was like a father to me, but...I kinda wanna learn more about the humans..." He smiled. "What about you? Why aren't you with your kind?" He asked kicking a rock at the wall.
"I don't know....I just don't feel like I belong with I can be better. I'm not saying I am better—cos believe me, I have flaws...but still, I think there's more to life then being like everyone else around you." I smiled looking up at the sky.
"That sound like yo—" before he finished, something grabbed me then pulled me into the forest. I let out a scream as I was thrown across the forest hitting trees and breaking through them.

"What...the....heck?..." I barely spoke as I tried to get up. My entire body was in pain. My leg felt like they were broken, and my shoulder was out of place.
"This is your last chance, Sarah..." A deep voice sounded. "Either join me....or die." A large demon known as Hectorian Demin spoke as he walked out from behind a tree.
" just alone..." I said barely."Dang ribs are broken...." I thought hissing at the pain.
"What's the fun in that?" Demin smirked then chuckled. "How don't deserve to live." He chuckled as he got closer.
"Neither do you!" Nick yelled coming out of nowhere punching Demin in the face causing him to stumble backwards and fall. "Come on. Give me your arm." Nick sigh running up to me.
"I can't move's dislocated....and my leg is broken." I groaned.
He quickly picked me up bridle style then started running towards the exit of the forest.
"He's gonna follow us...what's the point on running?" I sighed slowly loosing consciousness.
"Relax....I've got back up." Nick smirked...then I passed out.

Author's note:
Hello, lovely peoplez!🙂🙃
I know I haven't updated in a long time, and I apologize.
I've been quit busy and was unable to get on Wattpad and update.
I will try to update sooner; however, I make no promises.
Hope you enjoyed reading!😊
Remember to keep your imagination alive!!!!!😘✨
💀Feliz Día de los Muertos!💀

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