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As I opened my eyes, pain rushed throughout my entire body. I couldn't see very well cos the room was kinda dark. I waited till my eyes adjusted then looked around. It was a small bedroom with a white dresser, a chair, a small closet, a nightstand, and a queen sized bed. I let out at sigh then looked up at the ceiling.
"Where ever I am....I seriously hope that it doesn't have a bunch of angels in here..." I thought closing my eyes. My head was pounding, and my legs hurt terribly.
"Sarah..." I heard Nick's voice as a door opened.
"Hmn?" I hummed not opening my eyes yet.
"Good. You're awake." I heard him say then sit down on the bed beside me.
I felt him put his hand on my forehead lightly then he let out a heavy sigh.
"Your fever went down... How are you feeling?" He asked calmly.
"My head is pounding, and my legs feel terrible...." I stated quietly opening my eyes slightly.
"How's your shoulder?" He frowned.
"Hurts too..." I mumbled.
"You breathing alright?" Nick said standing up and walking towards the dresser.
"It hurts to take a breath..." I groaned.
"Here...drink should speed up your healing." He said sitting back down beside me and opening a small bottle.
"What is that? It smells horrible!" I groaned making a disgusted expression.
"I know, but it's good for you. Now drink it." Nick sighed helping me sit up slightly.
"Blech!" I groaned after drinking it.
"I know it tastes worse than it smells." Nick chuckled.
"It tastes worse than cough medicine." I groaned.
"Here.." Nick said handing me a glass of water. "Don't drink it too fast." He chuckled as I gulped it down.
I let out a small sigh then handed the empty glass to Nick.
"Where—" I began to ask then there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." Nick said loudly.
"Nick... Where have you been? Gabriel was wor—" a young girl said opening the door then stopping once she saw me. "W-who is she?" She stuttered.
"This is Sarah." Nick smiled lightly.
" she...that one demon you were talking about?" The girl stuttered hiding slightly behind the door.
"Yes, she is." Nick frowned slightly.
"Oh...w-well, Gabriel wants to speak to you about that..." She said quietly then left the room with the door open slightly.
Nick let out a heavy sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "I'll be right back. You need to try to rest a bit, ok?" Nick smiled faintly.
"Ok..." I yawned and laid back down closing my eyes then drifting off to sleep.

I opened my eyes to hear Nick yelling at someone to leave then slamming the door shut. "What the fudge was that about?" I yawned.
"Don't worry about it." Nick sighed heavily while sitting down and slumping in the chair.
"Ok..." I sighed closing my eyes again. My head didn't hurt anymore and my legs didn't hurt as bad as I guess whatever that nasty drink was it made me feel better.
"How are you feeling?" Nick asked quietly.
"Better than earlier." I stated slightly smiling.
"That's good." Nick yawned.
"I won't be moving anytime soon though......" I chuckled slightly.
"Yeah. You have a broken leg, crushed ribbed, a screwed up shoulder, and a cut on your head...I doubt you'd be moving for a while." Nick stated with a sigh.
"Jolly...I feel like sleeping forever..." I stated with my eyes closed.
"You'll live...." Nick sighed as I drifted back to sleep.

Sorry about it being such a short update after a loooong time of not updating, but I've been quit busy with😆
I know this is totally late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I can't believe it's actually 2016...
I feel old cuz I'll be 17 this year. I know that's not even old but whatevah!
Thank you for reading!!😘

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