omg its jalen

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Wassuh I'm Aaliyah I'm brown skin with red bright long hair I got a twin name zoey we look nun alike she's shorter and brighter with golden blond long hair were 15 and our sis yanna witch is 16 is bright skin with light brown hair tomorrow was our first day of school

Yanna Aaliyah wake up

Me no

Zoey Aaliyah wake yo ass up

Yanna *sighs* I'm finna go get ready

Me zoey are we matching

Zoey fuck no

Me get the fuck out

Zoey ily

Me Ok

Zoey bitch

Me ily2 bihh

Aaliyah red booty short (not thotesh) white crop top that stop right above her belly button with black 23 #s on it black n white high Jordan sock and red red and white Jordan's and her hair back down with two buns at the top red belly ring hazel contacts

Had white joggers white emoji shirt white forces with her hair flat ironed with a white bucket hat tiuge ring

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