I forgive you

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Everybody came busting asking question

Trey wat happened

Trey you OK

Zoey we brought tae Reese tydrick jaden  and traey bcuz u wanna make sure u safe

Fade baby girl wat happen

Jalen PLS tell us I need to know I care about u to much

Me he -he -he tryed to -to

Ken / yanna try to wat

Stank who baby girl speak up

Me bust out in tears RAPE ME

Everybody gasp

Jalen came running n hugged me I couldn't help but hug back I'm cryed in his chest

Stank y'all need to go up stairs and talk

Reese ya bro talk to ya girl and help her get cleaned up

Winter we'll be down here waiting

Zoey / ken we gone find out who df did this

Traey /tae hell yea

Tre go get cleaned up

Me no I wanna stay down here

Jalen looked hurt

Me we will talk later looking at jalen
Fade Reese and Trey went to go get the first aid while they were up stairs we herd banging on the door I quickly grabbed yanna

Ken who is it

?? Open the door or we'll bust it door

?? We want the girl

Every body looks at me the jalen go up

Jalen hell no rage and anger was in his voice

Me no PLS

The two boys that looked 16 and 17 came in with guns pointed at everybody

?? Move out the way pointing the fun at jalen who was standing in front of me

Jalen no pushing me behind him

?? Nigga do u think we playing with u

Me no no jalen just move

Jalen fuck no screaming at me

?? Imma give u three seconds

I pushed jalen

Me I'm sorry I don't want anybody

Ken bro what do u want money or sum like just leave her alone

Zoey y'all not takin my sis df u thought

The boys cocked they gun and told every to shut up then one boy grabbed me and started to kiss me in didnt kiss back till he put a gun to my head that's wen the boys up stairs heard wat was happening an quietly go there guns and came down stairs

Fade fuck u thought this was bruh

All of a sudden I heard someone say wake up aaliyah non stop I felt a sharp pain in my head then everything turn black I opened my eyes everything was blury but I heard them talking

Tre sis Is u OK

Reese ma wake up

Stank yo clumsy ass need to stop runnin so much

Winter yas girl u almost broke yo neck

Jalen bae u ight

Zoey  gtf up

Malak Zoey! !

Yanna Zoey stawp

Ken imma get u

Me WTF happened rubing my head

Trey you fell down the stair wen u was running to show the girls wat jalen got u

Me b-but there was guns boys raping kiddnaping n shit

Jalen wat !

Stank you was dreaming

Me but butgco

Fade we need to u some ice CMOn

Me but but I saw it dramatically

Jalen baby I think u fell to hard

Me no I saw it

Zoey you Crazy cmon gurl helps me up

Me Zoey you all were their

Stank hurry up and get her some damn ice

Me was it really a dream

Malak yes bby girl

Hey ppl u didn't see that coming ikr hope you like it srry its short but should aaliyah and jalen get freaky you'll see in the next chapter

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