she woke

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Lele pov
I woke up sore asf but feeling good and happy I looked at my phone it was 12 am I was still naked

Me well damn I slept good

I tried to get up when I took one step I fell

Down stairs
Stank she up

Jalen lemme go get my baby

Up stairs

Lele pov

I was siting on the floor when I herd some one open the door I turned around and it was

Jalen hey bae

Me I couldnt even look a him I just blushed and look away and quickly grabbed the blanket off the bed

Jalen awww u blush laughing and why R u on the floor and its not like I just didn't see u naked

Me well see wat had happen was u did this

Jalen watt did I do

Me blushes again and looks at him well not u him points to jalens Dick

Jalen so wat did he do looking down then up while leaning on the wall

Me well he made her sore pointing to her pussy and made my thighs and legs sore

Jalen laughing soooo u need help

Me yas I need a shower

Jalen lol well cmon

He picks me up bridal style and carrys me to the bathroom

Me jalen um I need help

Jalen okok I got ya bae

He run the bath water I take the blanket off and he helped me In after I was done I called his name


He came back for me helped me get dressed cuz I could barley walk and picked me up bridal styal and carried me down stairs

Stank awwww look who woke up

Me stfu blushes smiles hard asf

Zoey y u so happy


ME blushes hard asf. Stoooopppp but was I loud


Me gasp and looks embarrassed then looks at jalen who was still holding me I wanna go back up stairs

Jalen aww no it dont listen to them sits down with me in his lap

Malak soooo gurl how was It *girl voice *

Me bites bottom lip and looks at the ground well um it was um shit Idek how to say it

Winter we herd yo ass loud. N clear

Me frfr

Yanna yas I was like damn

Me I'm cold bro had me that blanket

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