Jacobs back

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I felt blood coming from my nose then I screamed for help

me: HELP ME !! (I got up and tried to fight back )

I grabbed one hair but the other one was still kicking me , that's when I felt it stop and saw jaja Zoey and one girl and emaja stank and yanna on the other Jalen runs to me and see if I was ok

jalen: bae r u ok (helped me up)

me: no my my my head it it

tre : we got to get u to the hospital sis

fade: aye we got to break this fight up

they break the fight up

me: u crazy bitch imma kill yo ass

Jalen : wtf is wrong with you why would u follow us then come fight my gf

?? Jalen u fucked me then left me

Me: what is that true

Jalen: no ...... yes that because u didn't love me u loved the sex and gifts and fame

?? no I loved u and still do

Jalen : I love you to...... well I did

me 0_0

trae: don't act like lele not right here

ken : bro yall just leave

Tre: ya why u even here nene

stank : nene so u tre ex

?? my names alexis and I'm jalens ex

I was fellin hurt to here Jalen say he love or used to love another girl infrount of me

me: Jalen I love you and u saying u love her

Jalen: know baby I'm saying I used to love her

Zoey: u are wrong for that Jalen

Jalen: no u don't understand I love u Aaliyah maishaie vasques ok

me: why do you love me

Jalen: .......

trae: cmon bro say it

Jalen: idk I just do

I bust out crying

everybody 0_0

Me: Zoey I wanna go home

tre: cmon we will take back home

Me: no I'm goin to a hotel

Jalen: no bae u don't understand

me: I just need some time u really hurt me ,

the car ride was hard everybody was sad and I saw Jalen cry a lil

me: don't be sad ill jus be gone tonight I cant stay to far

I grabbed my things and they drove me to the hotel I said my good byes

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